new rules with army, fines and mini-confinements


In Italy the coronavirus it has started to spread again at a more worrying rate in recent weeks. And for this reason, the government is moving to try to limit the further spread of the infection. How? Targeted checks, anti-assembly patrols and even the Army in the field to verify compliance with the rules, such as the requirement for outdoor masks, but also localized mini-closures to stop the increase in outbreaks in the regions if the Rt index rises too much above level 1.

Conte’s new Dpcm

The government has the draft of the new Dpcm (Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers) ready to be released on Wednesday, October 7. Here are the hypotheses on the ground. There will be news about the fines for those captured for not respecting the regulations, but also the decision to request Parliament an extension of the state of emergency due to coronavirus until January 31, 2021. Among the measures that are being studied is also advancing the closure local, at 10pm or 11pm.

Several hypotheses circulate: from the obligation of outdoor masks throughout the country to the possible limitations in the closing hours of pubs and restaurants, to the strict regulations on the quota of presences in sports and recreational facilities such as theaters and cinemas. As mentioned, the government is also working on the hypothesis of selective and increasingly localized closures. In fact, some mini-closures – with the bars closed from 6 to 6 the next day and the suspension of barbers and hairdressers – have already been arranged in some territories. The latter are foreseen with an ordinance of Basilicata nel Potentino, until October 13 for the municipalities of Tramutola and Marsicovetere.

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Increasingly strict controls

The controls, at the express request of the Ministry of the Interior, will be increasingly strict. The chief of staff of the Ministry of the Interior, Bruno Frattasi, sent a circular to the prefects in order to take all the initiatives within their competence to limit the risk of contagion. The circular reiterates “the commitment of the Police Forces to ensure compliance with the anti-Covid provisions through the general prevention services that characterize the activities of control of the territory, as well as the possibility of targeted controls in relation to the areas urban areas and at the busiest times “. If that was not enough, the military will also go out into the field. Control activities can be modulated – says the circular – “with the regular collaboration of local police operators and with the possible help of military personnel belonging to the ‘Safe Roads’ device, within the framework of the corresponding Employment Plan'” .

“Concern for metropolitan transport”

So, the metropolitan transport is concerned about the opportunities of contagion of the new coronavirus, to the point that they should double in Rome and in other Italian cities: said the health director of the Spallanzani Institute, Francesco Vaia, interviewed Sky TG24. “In schools we can do a lot and we are doing a lot, but what worries us – he pointed out – is transportation. We have done a lot in ports and airports and have become a European and international benchmark, but metropolitan transport is a major concern. We need to double transport in Rome and in all Italian cities. “Will there be news about transport too?

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The extension of the state of emergency in the new Dpcm

In the new Dpcm that contains the extension of the state of emergency “we will postpone the current measures, with the limitation of attendance at events in open or closed places: one thousand in the first case, two hundred in the second. This will apply to sporting events but not only: The limit of two hundred people should not be exceeded indoors, not even in the case of weddings or private parties. The universal rules are still three: mask, distance and hygiene. Here, we are thinking about these pillars, “he said yesterday the Regional Affairs Minister Francesco Boccia. .

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter Sunday, October 4: the latest news and the outbreak map
