
President Fedriga this morning presented the new ordinance in force since Saturday throughout Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The ordinance is very similar to the one that will also go into effect in Veneto and Emilia Romagna.
bars and restaurants: from 3pm, drinks can only be served on the seats. At 6 pm closing.
Closing of points of sale of more than 400 square meters on holidays and the eve of holidays, excluding pharmacies, parapharmacies, kiosks and food stores.
holidays, sales are prohibited even in neighborhood shops.
Access to commercial establishments will be allowed to only one person per household.
Guaranteed home delivery.
markets allowed only in light of the submission of a plan with specific anti-harvest measures.
It is recommended to guarantee access to large and medium-sized businesses for those over 65 years of age in the first 2 hours of opening in order to provide a kind of respect to the most vulnerable people.
Mask always mandatory when leaving home, except for children under 6 years of age or who cannot wear it due to pathological problems.
Yes to the possibility of doing sports outdoors, preferably in public parks and peripheral areas, maintaining a distance of at least 2 meters.
SchoolPhysical education, choral singing, and wind instrument lessons are prohibited.