New restrictions in the UK


In the UK, around 10 million people, or 15 percent of the country’s inhabitants, are in some form of restriction to contain the coronavirus, after new measures went into effect in 7 densely populated areas of England a midnight on Thursday. Northeast: Newcastle, Northumberland, North Tyneside, South Tyneside, Gateshead, Durham, and Sunderland.

The new restrictions affect a total of 2 million people, in addition to those who are already subject to some kind of restriction: they will not be able to meet other people outside their own home, while those who live alone can only attend one unit external relative. . In addition, a curfew is imposed from 22:00 to 05:00 hours: it means that clubs, pubs and restaurants must remain closed during this time. It will not be possible to attend sports events and shows and you can only use public transport if necessary, such as to go to school or work. The government has not said how long the restrictions will remain in place, but in previous months they had been reviewed every two weeks for what is possible, writes the guardian, which will last at least until October 1.

The measures were announced on Wednesday by British Health Minister Matt Hancock after a worrying increase in infections in the area. According to an analysis of the guardianIn these 7 areas the number of confirmed infections has tripled in the last three weeks, a much higher increase than in the rest of the country; In the last week, the number of positive cases accounted for 15 percent of coronavirus cases in England, although the general population of the area represents 3 percent of the British population.

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The restrictions that have taken effect in the North East of England are currently the most restrictive, but similar precautions have been imposed in recent days in other areas of the UK. For example, in Greater Manchester, West Yorkshire and Lancashire one cannot meet anyone outside the family, except those who live alone, who may have an outer core; In Leicester you cannot meet outside your home in an indoor public place, but you can do so outdoors; In Glasgow, Scotland, guests cannot be invited into the house. As of September 14 in England, Wales and Scotland groups of more than six people will not be able to meet, both outdoors and indoors, in houses, parks, pubs and restaurants: however, there are exceptions for large families. . At school, in the workplace, during funerals, weddings, or team sports, the above rules still apply.

In general, the contagion situation is getting worse in the UK. There were 3,995 positive cases on Thursday, up from 2,420 ten days earlier and, for the first time since July, in England there were more than 100 positive hospitalized patients who needed a ventilator to breathe. Today, Hancock told SkyNews the news that the Scientific Committee would recommend a two-week national lockdown to the British government in October saying “the national lockdown is the last line of defense and I don’t want to see it coming, but we will do whatever it takes. to keep people safe ”, thus specifying that“ it is not excluded ”.
