The Sports Minister’s line is clear: “We need equal treatment.” Translated: either all (or almost all) social and recreational activities are closed or nothing is closed and the rules are enforced. Therefore, despite the exponential increase in infections and hospitalizations and the more than concrete risk of the closure of gyms and swimming pools starting next week, Vincenzo Spadafora continues straight and the day after tomorrow, Friday 23 October, will present the new protocol on sport activities. Basic. Also strong from the results that come from Federations, companies, associations and sports centers after the first Nas controls. Even if there is no official data yet, from Padua to Rome, from Latina to Mantua, from Trento to Frosinone, the ministry says, the vast majority of the plants would have complied with anti-Covid regulations. “No irregularities” also confirmed Luca Pancalli, president of the Italian Paralympic Committee.
So, until the dreaded new one stops, speed ahead. The new protocol, which is in addition to the guidelines drawn up already in May (minimum distance of 2 meters while practicing sports or one meter in the absence of physical activity, cleaning of equipment between one exercise and another, sealed bags in which to store your own clothing), will only refer to basic sports, while individual Federations and sports clubs may adopt stricter ones depending on their discipline.
Do not fear, for the moment, the negative opinions of the CTS or the Ministry of Health, they explain from Sport, because the measures will obviously be stricter in the attempt, convinced but extreme, to reassure the most prudent wing of the government not to close all gyms and swimming pools.
But what will these rules be? They spoke of the obligation to measure the temperature at the entrance of sports centers with thermocanners, the mandatory use of a mask at the entrance, at the refreshment stations, in the changing rooms, between one tool and another, in the passages between rooms and in any other time of the stay in the gym or pool except during the actual exercise, of the additional quota of presences in the weight room, in the classrooms and in the pool with a maximum number of athletes to score for example for land, from the obligation for minors to have only one companion per person, of the carpet checks that will be carried out every day ”, explains Giampaolo Duregon, president of Anif, the national association of fitness and sports facilities, who on Tuesday night, together with others met with the minister electronically. Reiterate that “sports facilities are safe places.”
According to a follow-up that Anif carried out in the thousand associated sports centers, equivalent to about one and a half million affiliates, of the one hundred thousand present throughout Italy, it is clear that “750 people tested positive,” explains Duregon. 85% were asymptomatic and 15% were symptomatic but without the need for hospitalization. We are talking about less than one per thousand of those attending “.
And just to protest against the risk of closures and the stoppage that has already affected the contact disciplines and the provincial championships, after the social mobilization with the hashtags # downlemanidallosport and #palestresicure, the world of sport is in an uproar. Two examples: in Milan a protest was announced for Saturday in front of the Region of the Martial Arts Society, in Rome on Friday in the Piazza del Popolo that of the dance schools.