New October Dpcm, Palazzo Chigi: no curfew or local closure – Politics


Rome, October 5, 2020 – Confirmation of all measures to combat contagion planned so far, with the introduction of themandatory outdoor masks. And, for now, there are no new restrictions on production activities. This is essentially what new dpcm in Covid, according to reports from ministers Roberto Speranza me Francesco Boccia to the Regions, Municipalities, Provinces. The ministers reiterated a path of maximum distribution in each step: we would again compare if in the future it were necessary to tighten the opening hours of stores or other activities, but the new dpcm, explained the ministers, does not foresee any limitation in this regard.

During the meeting between the government and the Regions, the Anci and the UPI on the Covid emergency, according to Adnkronos, the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza reported that tomorrow, after the information to the Chamber, the Cdm extend it state of emergency on January 31. On Wednesday, the head of Health dictated the ‘timing’, Conte will sign the Dpcm that will cover the next 30 days, a decree that confirms all the current measures and the hardening of the use of masks even outdoors. In any case, all options will always be shared first, guaranteed the head of Health.

The orientation, then, would be to fix the classroom in dl august tomorrow at 9.30 am with a vote of confidence starting at 11. In fact, the government has recently placed in the Palazzo Madama room the trust about the decree.

“There is no intention on the part of the government of close to restaurants, bars and nightclubs– sources from Palazzo Chigi had already specified – “or to advance closing time by introducing a curfew.” Giuseppe Conte, anticipating the interview with Monica Maggioni for the Rai 1 program ‘Settestorie’, he assured: “We are in a different situation than the initial phase, the most acute. It is clear that the contagion continues, but I can say that we are safe to keep it under control because we have a strengthened health system and then we have developed a very sophisticated monitoring system that will allow us, when necessary, intervene in a specific and limited way. And then when I say that I don’t see a new blockage on the horizon I am not saying this in a spirit of careless optimism. “

Bulletin, in Italy another 2,257 infections and 16 deaths. Skip hospitalizations and intensive care
