New Musumeci ordinance: on Sunday everything closed in Sicily


Open and tight pharmacies. Sicily is still orange for now

PALERMO – “We are in a phase of great attention and I have decided to accompany national and regional decisions with an ordinance that aims to sustain the first positive signs, avoiding on Sundays and holidays the meeting opportunities that we saw in many images published by the media . We ask everyone to make an effort in the next big days.

This was stated by the president of the Sicilian Region, Nello musumeci, which tonight adopted an ordinance designed to limit the occasions of contagion on Sundays and holidays. The closure of commercial activities with the exception of pharmacies, parapharmacies, tobacconists and kiosks and the home of food products, fuels for domestic use and for heating is expected.

“Difficult moment”

“We owe it – continues the governor – to health professionals who are demonstrating an unprecedented capacity for intervention, but we also owe it to all economic operators facing a difficult time and, ultimately, we owe it to ourselves themselves, because we must return to a life as normal as possible in the times imposed by the pandemic.

The phone call with Hope

«I heard Minister Speranza – continues Musumeci – who anticipated the decision to renew his ordinance for all orange areas in Italy, establishing a first technical comparison for next week for a new regional risk assessment. During the telephone conversation he had with the Regional Minister of Health, the Minister was able to highlight the improvement of the regional framework, also in light of the containment measures that had already been adopted.

Projecting a tapestry

The President of the Region announces that “in the coming days we will continue to monitor contagion indices, with the evaluation of measures to reduce extra-regional mobility, with the adoption of containment protocols shared with local authorities, with screening in categories. We must all do our part and we cannot ignore it in the face of individual behaviors that, too often, seem marked by a lack of responsibility. The President of the Region has the duty to guarantee the difficult balance between the right to health and the right to sociality.

“Punctuality is needed”

«We have received – he concludes – the indications from our epidemiological observatory and the Region is expanding the monitoring in larger areas of the Municipalities, with objective parameters that lead to the adoption of measures from the” red zone “. Punctuality is needed, but especially scientific rigor. Checks are required to ensure the effectiveness of the measures. What is not needed, I say with respect to all opinions, are the controversies that tend to divide the institutions. I give my message of unity from President Mattarella and I want to be an interpreter, guaranteeing, as we have done since the beginning of the health emergency, decisions that are the result of analysis and exchange.

Also read: Five other red zones in Sicily.
