The figures for the last 24 hours are very worrying: 5,372 more infections, another 28 deaths and 29 new jobs in intensive care. The image that takes shape every day triggers the first bells ofalarm, although it must be said that in any case the mattresses have increased significantly compared to March. And therefore, at least for the moment, the conditions are not at all comparable to those of spring. In the government they know very well that the danger emergency shutdown It could be right around the corner For this reason, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, announced that the Giallorossi executive continues to study all the options on the table so as not to reach the drastic decision: “We work day and night to avoid a national closure“.
That is why now we want to run for shelter immediately. Already today a meeting of emergency at Palazzo Chigi to try to fine-tune the measurements that will be introduced in the new Dpcm. According to what has been learned from government sources, the measure could be anticipated: Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte would have until October 15, but it seems that everything will be formalized tonight or tomorrow. Therefore, there will be hours of intense discussion to evaluate which ones narrow take to avoid the worst. Luciana Lamorgese has lined up against a new “within everyone”, also because another stop could result in a criminal deal. “I don’t even want to hear about it. THE risks in addition to healthcare, they would be inexpensive”Declared the Minister of the Interior.
New lock? Here are the scenarios
The possibility of limited closures has also been reached, but first there are fewer hypotheses rigid regarding confinement, how to limit the number of people present at parties and receptions and force smart work. Then, other scenarios, which the Prime Minister would absolutely want to avoid, refer to the prohibition of carrying alcohol after 10 pm and the early closure of the premises. Within the government there are those who press for an immediate hard line, limiting for example, attendance at restaurants and the reduction of public transport capacity to 50%, given that – as reported The impression – an exponent of Giallorossi points out: “80% are full and nobody checks it“Without forgetting that Francesco Boccia, Minister of Regional Affairs, has not ruled out restrictions on change between the Regions: “Nothing can be ruled out at this time. The situation must be monitored day by day. As soon as a warning light comes on, action must be taken“.
The weekly report issued by the Department of Health and the Higher Institute of Health revealed that “for the first time there are elements of critical issues significant related to the spread of the virus in our country“; hence the considerable burden of local services”It must be monitored for its potential impact on health services.Above all, there is one piece of information that is worrying: the photograph of the situation refers to the week of September 28 to October 4, that is, before the outbreak of infections in recent days. contagion of the Regions: 4 territories have Rt above the threshold of 1.25. A condition that, accompanied by other indicators, means one third of the four levels of danger. The orange alert has already been triggered in Sicily (1.34), Piedmont (1.33), Campania (1.31) and Basilicata (1.33). But with yesterday’s figures (983 new infections) Lombardy is also taking a risk. Meanwhile, Governor Vincenzo De Luca announced that he is ready for a Campania closure if the right balance is not struck between new infections and people declared cured: “If we have a thousand infections and 200 cured, it is a blockage, to be clear.“.