the gyms are among the activities more at risk of limitations due to the resumption of COVID-19 infections. And it is also for this reason that in the course of Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces that was held on October 8, 2020 were updated he “Guidelines for the reopening of economic, productive and recreational activities”.
Different rules depending on the professional activity of reference, but all that respect the same dixit: maintain social distancing, continuous sanitation of environments, e mask obligation when necessary.
Speaking of the mask, note that this becomes mandatory in all closed places with the new DPCM; however, it is not valid formotor and sports activity, Thus no need to wear it to the gym Except, of course, when you are in the common areas (therefore, at the entrance, as well as in the changing rooms).
Gyms at risk of closure and limitations
Before I see what new rules for gyms, it is good to remember that these are among the activities that are most likely to suffer from new restrictions. According to the first advances on the new DPCM in which the Government is working these days with a view to the approval scheduled for next week, in fact, it is not ruled out that there may be closure – or in any case in admission fee restrictions – from gyms in case the increase in infections becomes unsustainable.
And on the other hand, this is what is happening in Latina, where, thanks to a strong increase in infections, new restrictions have been introduced in the territory, such as the one provided for by “quota on the number of people who can attend gyms, dance schools and other sports activities at the same time carried out indoors with a sign indicating the maximum number of people admitted at the same time in relation to the different areas of activity of the structure, including changing rooms, in compliance with social distancing, ensuring surveillance activities by the operator“Therefore, there is no fixed number, since the limit depends on the size of the gyms.
This is to say that it is very important to respect the protocol foreseen by the Conference of Regions; simple rules to follow that can be very helpful in limiting infections.
New rules for opening gyms: updates from the Conference of Regions
The Conference of the Regions has updated the guidelines for gyms; rules that must be followed to the letter if you don’t want to take too much risk sanctions. In detail, the new protocol states that:
- Prepare adequate information on all the preventive measures to be adopted.
- Prepare a program of planned activities as far as possible (for example, with reservation) and regulate access to avoid meeting conditions and aggregations; Keep the attendance list for a period of 14 days.
- Body temperature can be detected, preventing access in case of temperature> 37.5 ° C.
- Organize changing rooms and showers in such a way as to ensure distances of at least 1 meter (for example, arrange alternate workstations or separated by special barriers), also regulating access to them.
- Regulate flows, waiting spaces, access to the different areas, the positioning of tools and machines, also delimiting the areas, in order to guarantee the safety distance: at least 1 meter for people while they are not performing activity physical activity, or at least 2 meters during physical activity (with special attention to vigorous activity).
- Equip the dispensing system / structure with sanitizing products for hand hygiene of visitors / clients / guests at clearly visible points, providing for the obligation of hand hygiene at the entrance and exit.
- After use by each individual, the facility manager ensures the disinfection of the machine or tools used.
- Tools and machines that cannot be disinfected should not be used.
- Ensure frequent cleaning and disinfection of the environment, tools and machines (even several times a day, for example, between one access shift and another), and in any case the disinfection of changing rooms (including lockers) at the end of the day .
- Please do not share water bottles, glasses and bottles and do not exchange items such as towels, bathrobes or other items with other users.
- In the gym, wear special footwear designed exclusively for this purpose.
- All clothing and personal items must be placed inside the personal bag, even if they are deposited in the appropriate lockers; It is recommended not to allow mixed use of the lockers and to have bags available to store personal belongings.
- Promote air exchange in indoor environments. Due to the overcrowding and the length of stay of the occupants, the effectiveness of the systems must be verified to guarantee the adequacy of the outside air flow in accordance with current regulations. In either case, crowding should be correlated with actual outside air flow rates. For air conditioning systems, it is mandatory, if technically possible, to completely exclude the air recirculation function. In any case, the measures for the exchange of natural air and / or through the system must be further strengthened, and the cleaning of the recirculation air filters must be guaranteed, with the system stopped, to maintain adequate levels of filtration. / removal. If technically possible, the recirculation filtering capacity should be increased, replacing the existing filters with higher class filters, guaranteeing the maintenance of the flow rates. In bathrooms, the exhaust fan must be kept in continuous operation.
- All clothing and personal items must be placed inside the personal bag, even if they are deposited in the appropriate lockers; It is recommended not to allow mixed use of lockers and to have bags available to store personal belongings.
These are the updates made, in the hope that they are enough to prevent the spread of infection. Otherwise, gyms could be the first to pay for a sharp rise in the pandemic curve.