New extraordinary competition for support: the Ministry can ban it for grades and oral exam, without service


An amendment by the rapporteur to the school decree will allow the launch of an extraordinary contest for presidents for a parallel support to the extraordinary contest, whose announcement has already been published.

To cope with the shortage of support teachers, the Ministry may launch a competition procedure for qualifications and oral exams, at the regional level, with the aim of accessing the role played in the support position of the subjects in possession of the relevant specialization degree obtained in Italy for in accordance with current legislation.

At the end of the competition procedures, the candidates will graduate based on the evaluation of the qualifications and a selective oral test, approved by the candidates who achieve the minimum score of seven tenths or equivalent, aiming at the current programs of the corresponding ordinary competences for grades and exams

The oral exam will consist of a theoretical part of the program in a practical part related to the treatment of a specific case.

In the aforementioned procedures, subjects who are not yet located, for the support positions, in the pre-established classifications for the entries in the position, can submit an application.

Each subject can submit an application to participate in a single region and for all the procedures for which they have the relevant specialist qualification.

In addition, every two years, for candidates who are already in the classification, the score is updated based on the marks obtained between the date of participation in the procedure and the date of the update.

For the purposes of entering the position, these classifications will be established in the event of exhaustion of the corresponding current classifications for entry into the position.

As this is an amendment tabled by the rapporteur, the possibility of being part of the text of the Decree is almost certain.

We recall that, according to rumors, the debate for the examination of the Decree will begin on May 21.
