
Covid-19 bis, or the modified version of Coronavirus which on Friday forced the British government to shut down London in a hurry. And the European governments yesterday suspend flights and connections with Great Britain. Furthermore, in the coming days, if the spread of the virus variant in Italy were to become extensive, the government could follow in the British footsteps and decide to tighten containment measures. In short, there would be a harsh confinement and without “mitigations”, such as those contained in the last decree.
Covid, the passengers of the last plane from Great Britain arrived in Fiumicino
The truth is that the modified version of Covid is in Rome. At around 8 p.m. last night, the Ministry of Health announced that the mutated virus was identified by the Celio military hospital, in collaboration with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, during the control of a person disembarked in recent days (therefore, not yesterday) in Fiumicino from a flight from the UK.
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Actually, the positives of the new type of Covid-19 are twofold: the London man has infected his wife. The spouses and their families are isolated – said the ministry – and are following all the necessary procedures to limit the infection.
But perhaps the positives could be three because in the afternoon a passenger disembarked from one of the two flights that landed in Fiumicino, which had left England before the suspension ordered by our government, got infected. This is an Italian doctor immediately isolated, the only positive among the 218 passengers checked one by one after landing. Your swab is already in Spallanzani to understand what kind of Covid-19 has hit you. Another 120 people who landed on a night flight were also registered in Fiumicino. But no other details were released overnight.
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The controls
A very serious decision because at these hours on the roads leading to the northern French ports there are very long lines of Tir. In fact, it is being decided whether Britain will leave the EU according to Brussels or without rules and therefore British companies and families are trying to get as much goods as possible to the island to protect themselves from any problems.
The variation of the virus is causing a great alarm because the British authorities claim that Covid-bis is spreading 70% faster than the original. Today at 11 a European summit will be held, convened by Chancellor Angela Merkel (current president of the EU) “to adopt coordinated measures throughout the Union.” In fact, isolated cases have been identified both in the Netherlands (only one infected) and in Denmark.
The vaccine does not risk
The vaccine does not risk
However, pending certainty, European countries have already established a sanitary cordon around Great Britain. After Belgium and the Netherlands, Italy was the first state to suspend flights. A choice made by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, after listening to his British counterpart Matt Hancock early in the morning. Next, Speranza, very attentive to the European coordination of anti-Covid actions, spoke with his colleagues Olivier Véran (France), Jens Spahn (Germany) and Salvador Illa Reco (Spain).
Hope did not limit himself to decree blocking flights to and from Great Britain. Already on Saturday night, as soon as the news of the Covid-19 variant spread, the Minister of Health had ensured that the Higher Institute of Health and the research and monitoring centers verified “all genomic frequencies” of the virus that they are occurring. meeting in Italy at this time.
Last update: 00:50