Rome, March 12, 2021 – First the government-Regions meeting (which lasted approximately two hours), then the council of ministers (which started shortly before noon) at Palazzo Chigi. On the table the new Draghi decree which will introduce many more measures restrictive compared to Dpcm March 2 to cope with the third wave of coronavirus (here the data of the newsletter of March 11). The first anticipation contained in the Dl draft (a decree therefore and not a Dpcm) presented to the Regions is that the new restrictions will be in effect from Monday, March 15 to April 6.
Red zone: walks and visits with friends, this is what you can do
Also today, like every Friday, the control room will meet to analyze the weekly report of the ISS and the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, will sign the ordinances with Color change of the regionsand half of Italy is at risk of ending up in the red zone). So, let’s see what are the hypotheses on the table for the new decree.
Dl Draghi: the draft in PDF
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Armored easter
Easter will be armored as it was Christmas. The draft states that since From April 3 to 5, all of Italy will be in the red zone (April 3, 4 and 5), including the days of Easter and Easter Monday. From the national red zone they will be exempt regions which at that time will be in white zone (currently only Sardinia). Important mention of the movements in terms of visits to family and friends: the draft decree allows, in regional scope, moving to a single house once a day for two people under the age of 14.
Yellow regions in orange
From March 15 to April 2 (and April 6) the yellow regions they come led to orange. Regarding visits to family and friends, until April 2 (and April 6) in the regions that will turn orange, it will be allowed, in the municipal term, to move to a single private home, once a day, with the same limits already provided by current regulations. This change It’s not allowed towards territories that are in the red zone. So, in any case, starting next Monday, March 15, all of Italy will be in the red or orange zone (excluding Sardinia if the white zone is confirmed today).
Automatic red zones
As already requested by the ISS, it will be introduced an automatism for the red zones: they will start automatically when the weekly incidence of cases exceeds 250 per 100,000 inhabitants.
Parameter review
We are also considering modifying the allocation method in the different areas, prioritizing criteria such as the Rt index, the occupation of places in intensive care and the number of people vaccinated.
Weekend rossi
The discussion in the government was open and there were divisions because the less rigorous wing (see Lega) does not see a good eye weekend closing nei. Finished hypothesis: at least in the draft of the new decree it is not mentioned. The path was chosen to eliminate the yellow areas, to tighten at Easter and also from Monday many regions will already be in red.
The discussion had also concerned the curfew (now from 10pm to 5am). In the draft decree it is not mentioned. So it stays from 10 pm to 5 am
Cinemas and theaters
Debate also for the reopening planned in the yellow zone for cinemas and theaters as of March 27. Nothing is said in the draft. But it is obvious that the forecast of a closure at this point is superfluous given that until April 6 all of Italy will remain red or orange. Therefore, cinemas and tetaters will remain closed (except for the white areas).
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