New Dpcm, which will change for regions declared orange or red zone


An Italy divided into three areas: yellow, orange and red. These are the latest news from new Dpcm on arrival, it should be signed tonight by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, even if there is still no agreement between the government and the regions. Three scenarios that foresee increasingly stringent restrictions based on the level of risk, decided by the trend of Covid-19 infections, the Rt index and more. They should also be present national restrictions, like the night curfew announced yesterday by Giuseppe Conte to the rooms, but without giving a precise time, although the most accredited hypothesis is that of 21. Following the twenty-one indicators of the Higher Institute of Health, the regions most at risk are Lombardy , Piedmont and Calabria, where “red zone” measures could be taken after the signing of the new Dpcm. But the Scientific Technical Committee also closely follows Campania, Liguria, Valle D’Aosta, Puglia and the autonomous province of Bolzano.

What happens in the yellow areas?

In the yellow areas, therefore, where the spread of the virus is low, the situation will continue to be similar to the current one, with the restrictions already present: use of the mask, physical distancing, frequent hand washing and sanitation of the environments. However, the curfew will be in effect from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.

The orange zones: closure of activities

The orange areas are those characterized by a scenario of high severity and a high level of risk and the new Dpcm imposes clearer measures:

a) Any movement in and out of the territories referred to in section 1 is prohibited, except for movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons. In any case, the movements strictly necessary to ensure the realization of face-to-face teaching are allowed within the limits in which it is allowed. Return home, home or residence is allowed;

second) Any movement by means of public or private transport to a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile is prohibited., except for proven work or study needs, for health reasons, for situations of need or to carry out activities or use services that are not suspended and not available in that municipality.

c) The activities of the catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are suspended, with the exception of dining rooms and continuous restoration on a contractual basis provided that the protocols or guidelines aimed at preventing or containing contagion. Only catering with home delivery is allowed in compliance with sanitary and hygienic regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with take-out food until 10:00 p.m., with prohibition of consumption on the spot or at the vicinity. In any case, the food and beverage service points located in the service and refueling areas located on the highways, hospitals and airports remain open, with the obligation to guarantee in all cases the respect of the interpersonal distance of at least one meter .

The red areas: closure

The red zones are those with a very high risk scenario, where at least two weeks of very restrictive measures would be triggered, given that they are characterized by a scenario of maximum severity and a high level of risk. Here too, interventions at the provincial and municipal level will be possible. But above all:

a) Any movement in and out of the territories referred to in section 1, as well as within the same territories, is prohibited, except in the case of movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons. In any case, the movements strictly necessary to ensure the realization of face-to-face teaching are allowed within the limits in which it is allowed. Return home, home or residence is allowed;

b) Retail commercial activities are suspended, with the exception of the sale of food and basic needs identified in Annex XX, both in the context of neighborhood businesses and in the medium and large distribution sector, it is also included in the shopping centers, provided that access to the aforementioned activities is allowed. The markets are closed, regardless of the type of activity, except for activities aimed solely at the sale of food products. Newsstands, tobacconists, pharmacies, parapharmacies remain open;

c) The activities of the catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are suspended, with the exception of dining rooms and continuous restoration in a contractual manner provided that the protocols or guidelines aimed at preventing or containing contagion. Catering with home delivery is only allowed in compliance with hygiene and health regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with take-out food until 10 p.m., with prohibition of consumption on the spot or at the surroundings. In any case, the food and beverage outlets located in the service and refueling areas located along the highways, in hospitals and airports remain open, with the obligation to ensure in all cases the respect of the interpersonal distance of at least one meter;

d) All activities provided for in letters f) and g), including those carried out in open-air sports centers, are suspended; All events and competitions organized by sports promotion bodies are also suspended.

e) individual motor activities are allowed in the vicinity of the home provided that in any case the distance is at least one meter from any other person and with the obligation to use respiratory protection devices; sports activities are also allowed and allowed only outdoors and individually;

f) without prejudice to the possibility of carrying out in the presence of educational services for children referred to in article 2 of Legislative Decree April 13, 2017, n. 65 and the first year of attendance at lower secondary school, school and teaching activities are carried out exclusively at a distance. Without prejudice to the possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities if the use of laboratories is required or is necessary due to the disability situation of the subjects involved and in the case of special educational needs, guaranteeing in any case the online connection with the students in the class that are in integrated digital learning.

g) activities related to personal services (including hairdressers, barbers, beauticians), other than those identified in Annex X, are suspended;

h) Public employers limit the presence of personnel in the workplace to ensure only those activities that they consider impossible to postpone and that necessarily require such presence, also due to emergency management.
