New Dpcm, which changes for parties, bars, restaurants and sports


Prime Minister Conte and Ministry Speranza sign the new decree. Here are the new rules

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Health Minister Roberto Speranza signed the new Dpcm overnight.

It contains the new measures to face the new wave of coronavirus that will be in force for the next 30 days

Outdoor masks

The first article of the Dpcm inserts the obligation to always wear masks “in indoor places other than private homes and in all outdoor places, except in cases where, due to the characteristics of the places or the real circumstances, the condition of isolation of people who do not live together is permanently guaranteed “.

Those who practice sports, children under 6 years of age, people with pathologies and disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask are not obliged to wear it. It is also recommended for use in private homes when there are “people who do not live together.”

Bars and restaurants

These are the rules for bars and restaurants: “The activities of the catering services are allowed until midnight with table service, and until 21 in the absence of table service”.

Food and beverages can be delivered to your home or sold to go, but “with no consumption on site or in the immediate vicinity after 9:00 PM”.

OK at fairs and congresses, always complying with the containment regulations.

Private parties

Confirmed the closures of discos and dance halls. Private parties are prohibited everywhere, both indoors and outdoors. Civil or religious ceremonies, as well as subsequent receptions, are allowed, but with a maximum number of guests set at 30 people. If you meet at home, it is recommended not to exceed the limit of six people who do not live together.

Stop off for school trips

“Educational trips, exchange or twinning initiatives, guided visits and educational outings” in schools “of all types and levels are suspended, without prejudice to activities related to transversal and orientation skills paths, as well as internship activities” .

Cinemas and theaters

Indoor shows reserved for up to 200 people, rising to 1,000 outdoors. Between one place and another must be at least one meter apart. The Regions and Provinces can decide independently, in agreement with the Minister of Health, a different maximum number of spectators.

contact sports

For sports, the presence of the public is allowed “with a maximum filling percentage of 15% of the total capacity and in any case no more than the maximum number of 1,000 spectators” of stadiums and arenas.

All competitions, competitions and all activities related to contact sports of an amateur nature are prohibited. Contact sports are allowed, according to the draft of the Dpcm, “by professional clubs and both at a competitive and grassroots level by associations and amateur clubs recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), by the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP) , in compliance with the protocols issued by the respective national sports federations, associated sports disciplines and sports promotion bodies, suitable to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion in the reference sector or in related sectors ”.
