Green or orange? Only today will the citizens of Veneto know what risk range they will be assigned to and therefore how they should behave starting tomorrow, when the new Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s Dpcm comes into force. If it goes well, with the green, in Veneto, as in the rest of Italy, the curfew will come into force: at 10 p.m. everyone will be home. If, on the other hand, Veneto turns orange, the restrictions will be much stricter. One first: you will not be able to leave the municipality in which you reside.
Dpcm, Ira de las Regiones: “The government has deprived us.” Letter to Conte and Speranza
From governmental and regional sources it was known that the classification will take place only today, after the pronouncement of the CTS, the Scientific Technical Committee. The draft decree circulated last night outlines four scenarios, but regulates three. Like a traffic light: green, orange, red. And Veneto is in balance, in fact, between green and orange. According to some rumors, the debate is not just scientific (and Veneto is definitely well placed both in terms of availability and occupancy of beds in intensive care, as well as being the first to instruct general practitioners to rub their patients, in addition the fact that the transmission index Rt is below the threshold of 1.50). They say that there are also political valuations, a kind of compensation between Regions in the ranking, so much so that in the late afternoon the bookmakers leaned, both for Veneto and Emilia-Romagna, more towards green than towards the orange.
Curfew, Red, Orange and Green Regions: The New Bans, from Lockdown to Travel, Bars and Schools
But citizens are interested in knowing what will happen. And here are the scenarios. If Veneto is classified as green, like Friuli Venezia Giulia, it will have to follow the same rules throughout Italy. With some news: there will be a curfew from 10 to 5 in the morning, but for the whole day the recommendation is to move as little as possible. The national sports championships will continue, but without an audience, not even outdoors. Museums and exhibitions closed. 100% distance school for Baccalaureate. On the other hand, primary and secondary schools are still in class. Shopping centers are closed on Saturdays and Sundays, with the exception of pharmacies and supermarkets. Public transport capacity, excluding school buses, is reduced to 50%.
Dpcm, curfew at 22.00 in Italy. All the sizes. Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria: stop moving
The curfew check at 22, but he is forced to organize with Minister Speranza and the CTS a soft lockdown mechanism that takes the chestnuts out of the fire to the “very smart” presidents of the region who still close protesting with the Same argument used at the beginning: better to close everything than just Lombardy, better homogeneous measures so as not to have to explain why “we do it and others don’t”.
We are in Article 1-bis, a type 3 scenario of high severity and high level of risk. However, it is not certain that it could be all of Veneto, it could only be some areas (Belluno? Treviso?). In any case, the identification corresponds to the Minister of Health after consulting with the governor. The prohibitions are much stricter: it is forbidden to leave your municipality, except for work, or for reasons of health and necessity. Bars and restaurants are closed, even for lunch: however, home delivery and take-out are possible until 10pm. However, it is not certain that all these restrictions are adopted for the same territory: the minister will decide in agreement with the president of the Region. It is understood that all the other prohibitions, the green areas to be clear, continue to apply to the orange areas as well.
Then there is article 1-ter, a type 4 scenario with a high level of risk, and this is what will happen in Milan: in fact a blockade like the one in March, with the closure of shops and markets, teaching Distance of the second degree , hairdressers and beauticians closed. But Veneto is not red. At the time.
The president of the Conference of the Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, sent a letter to the prime minister and ministers Speranza and Boccia asking for changes. In particular: funds for the provisioning of economic activities that will be closed, parental leave and aid to parents who will have small children at home because they will not be able to go to school. But above all, the Regions want to get involved before they feel the orange or red level set. That is, before they close.
Lagosta (Lastovo), the Croatian island free from Covid: no cases of contagion since February
If the Covid-19 spreads like wildfire on both shores of the Adriatic, there is one place that is an exception: it is the island of Lastovo (in Croatian Lastovo), halfway between Italy and Croatia, in Dalmatia. Central where from February until today there has not been a single case of contagion.
Last updated: 09:01