Florence, November 4, 2020 – After a long gestation, with mediation between the “penalty shooters” and those who wanted less strict measures and a close and tense confrontation with the Regions, government has launched another Dpcm to counter the pandemic of COVID-19. The first Minister, Giuseppe Conte, signed it shortly before midnight. The measures contained will be valid from November 5 to December 3.
The text will be published in the Official Gazette in the next few hours, but according to what is contained in the drought of the decree, it is a measure at two levels: some valid restrictions in Throughout the national territory (and therefore also for Tuscany) and among these will be the “curfew” from 10 pm to 5 am, the closure of exhibitions and museums, the maximum capacity of local public transport by 50%, the closure of shopping centers the days before holidays and bank holidays.
The other level involves modulated measures according to the degree of risk of the various regions. The regions They are divided into three bands (red, orange and green) depending, in fact, on the level of risk, obtained from the intersection between Rt (which indicates contagion) and the risk index of each regional reality, defined by the 21 parameters established by the Ministry of Health.
Here is the draft in PDF
To know what this will be classification, we will have to wait until November 4. However, depending on what emerges, Tuscany will be outside the “red zone” and, in all probability, also the orange one, thanks to an Rt index below 1.5.
Each ‘zone’ will have different rules, starting from the most restrictive of the red areas to those of the green areas. In the red zone regions, for example, it will be forbidden to leave and enter the regional territory and move from a municipality other than the one of residence, unless there are proven work or emergency needs, while commercial activities will be closed except those considered essential and hotelier. In practice, the blockade will be activated as in March. You can only leave home to go to work, to go shopping, for reasons of health or necessity. And take the children to school.
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