Liguria. “The government signed the new decree overnight with more restrictions. Given the health situation, new measures certainly had to be taken, but some seem frankly incongruous and with a punitive flavor: the closure of restaurants at 6 in the afternoon for example. In fact, as Regions we asked that it take place at 11 pm, I hope that at least this time the compensation system will be effective and timely, because there is a risk of closing many companies ”.
The president of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, thus comments, on Facebook, the new provisions launched by the Government to contain the Covid 19 pandemic.
“On the health front – Toti continues – many of the simplifications about the ‘monitoring’ system that we had proposed have not been understood. Procedures that today involve, now uselessly, hundreds of employees of our health system ”.
“As a general approach, I remain convinced that the measures would be more useful to protect or leave the most fragile people at home (the elderly, citizens suffering from various diseases) and try to live with the virus – he adds – I say this without underestimating the danger of Covid, having spent the morning on the phone with our health team, but with the awareness that even the economic crisis hurts more than one can imagine ”.
“In any case – he concludes – we will study all the news and apply them. Meanwhile, we continue working to increase the offer of our hospitals. My appeal goes to all of you: respect the rules, always wear a mask. Let’s commit ourselves together not to make in vain the effort that so many will make for all of us ”.