New Dpcm today in the Gazzetta, measurements until December 3


New Dpcm today in the Gazzetta, measurements until December 3

Red zones, curfews, bars, restaurants, schools. The measures launched with the new Dpcm signed yesterday by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and published today in the Official Gazette will enter into force tomorrow, November 5, and will be in force until December 3.

COPRIFUOCO – At home no later than 10 pm, starting tomorrow, November 5. “From 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following day – read the text signed yesterday, shortly before midnight, by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte – only trips motivated by proven work needs, by situations of need or by reasons of Health. In any case, it is strongly recommended, during the rest of the day, not to travel in public or private means of transport, except for reasons of work, study, health, situations of need or to carry out activities or take advantage of non-suspended services “.

TRAVEL – It will not be possible to move between Municipalities not even in ‘orange’ Regions, that is, with a very serious scenario and a high level of risk. It will not be possible to move from one municipality to another exactly as it happens in the red zones, those where, as of tomorrow, the closure will be activated. “It is forbidden – says the text – any movement by means of public or private transport, in a municipality other than the residence, domicile or domicile, except for work, study, health reasons, proven situations of need or to carry out activities or use services that are not suspended and not available in that municipality. ” In addition, stop moving between ‘orange’ and ‘red’ Regions, if not for reasons of work, health and demonstrated urgency, while movements between ‘yellow’ Regions, or in which the risk is lower, remain allowed .

RED ZONES – There are no green zones, because all of Italy must face the Covid emergency, even in the areas least affected by the virus. Italy is divided into three areas, yellow, orange and red. The text of the provision does not mention the colors, not even for the Regions that will in fact enter into lockdown as of tomorrow. But those inside tell Adnkronos that it is not possible to speak of green areas, “because the emergency exists and no area is excluded”, so yellow, orange and red will be the colors in which, from today, we We will refer to the measures that will be taken to stop the execution of the virus.

BARS AND RESTAURANTS – Stop the activities of catering services, including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors and patisseries, both in the orange and red zones, while in the yellow, or lower-risk regions, they will continue until 6 pm. areas of the country with greater difficulty – orange and red – only catering with home delivery and take away food service will be allowed until 10:00 p.m., but with the prohibition of consumption on the spot or in the immediate vicinity.

COMPETITIONS – Public and private competitions are suspended until next December 3, the school one is also stopped. “It is suspended – reads the Dècm – the realization of the pre-selection and written tests of the public and private competitions and those of qualification for the exercise of the professions, with the exception of the cases in which the evaluation of the candidates is carried out exclusively on a curricular basis or electronically, in addition to excluding competitions for national health service personnel, including, where appropriate, state examinations and qualification for the exercise of the profession of surgeon and those of civil protection personnel, without detriment of respecting the provisions of the directive of the Ministry of Public Administrations No. 1 of February 25, 2020 and subsequent updates. It is still possible for the commissions to proceed with the correction of the written tests with remote connection “.

HAIRDRESSERS – As it was leaked late at night, the “barber and hairdresser services” will remain open in the red zones, while the list of shops that will not stop, despite the closure, does not include beauty centers, according to has gone black. white in Dpcm.

CRUISES – No stops for cruise ships flying the Italian flag, ‘hello’ in the Dpcm published today. In the drafts circulated yesterday, on the contrary, the stoppage of cruise services by Italian-flagged passenger ships was foreseen with the possibility of completing ongoing cruises before November 8.

The final provision, for its part, establishes that “the cruise services of Italian-flagged passenger ships may only be carried out in compliance with the specific guidelines”, “validated by the technical-scientific committee”.

The Dpcm establishes that those who are not subject to or obliged to comply with the health surveillance measures and fiduciary isolation and who have not stayed or traveled in the fourteen days prior to shipment in states or territories considered high risk of contagion may embark. In addition, the captain must submit to the Maritime Authority a specific declaration showing, among other things, the subsequent ports of call and the end port of the cruise, with the relative arrival / departure dates and the nationality and origin of the passengers on board. .

MUSEUMS AND SHOPPING CENTERS – Museum stop – which will not be open to the public – shopping centers closed on weekends, holidays and the day before.

SPORT – Physical activity only close to home and alone. In the red regions in fact it is “allowed to carry out motor activities individually in the vicinity of the house provided that in any case the distance of at least one meter from any other person is respected and with the obligation to use respiratory protection devices It is also allowed to carry out sports activities exclusively outdoors and individually “.

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