New dpcm, the Viminale to the Prefects: “Possibility of closing roads before 21”. And for the yellow zones confirms the recommendation to limit travel


The “strong recommendation” to limit travel even in the area yellow (although they are not provided sanctions), the possibility of prefects and mayors of close streets and squares “All day long”, the rules for dressing rooms, open-air markets, hotel catering. With a circular Send to prefects, the Ministry of the Interior clarifies all doubts about the latest dpcm released by the government. 14 pages that start from a first fixed point: “Whatever the territorial scope of reference, the current epidemiological trend urges citizens to observe responsible behavior, inspired by the principle of maximum precaution “. For this reason, reminds the Ministry of the Interior, it is strongly recommended to” limit personal trip in the yellow zone even in the time slots of the day not subject to mobility restrictions. “However, since this is a recommendation, it will not help no self certification to justify their departures nor are they planned sanctions. Different is the case of the time slot 22-5 (during which the curfew) and in higher risk regions, where “it is always necessary to use self-certification in justifying causes of displacement. “Therefore, given the division of the country into three areas with increasing restrictions, the ministry asks the prefectures to”control activity become accordingly modulated, in relation to the diversified levels of risk “.

Streets and squares – With the previous dpcm the government had allowed the prefects and mayors to order the closure of streets and squares of the city from 9:00 p.m., in order to limit the possibilities of contagion. With the new provision this possibility is expanded: “It is expressly extended to the entire day span or in any case in specific non-predetermined time slots, always without prejudice to the possibility of access, and exit, to legitimate businesses and private homes ”, reads the circular.

Volunteering – One of the outstanding issues so far concerns voluntary activities. In the yellow zone, once the curfew has occurred, “it is considered useful to specify that they should be considered permitted even those who reconnect to wellness activities carried out, within the framework of a voluntary association, also in agreement with the local authorities, for people in a condition of need or disadvantage“Write the ministry led by Lamorgese. “Consequently, for the movement linked to these activities, the termination of the social volunteering“.

Stop in changing rooms – Sports activities, carried out outdoors or in sports clubs (public and private) are allowed only within the limits already established by the executive. The only novelty of the dpcm, specifies the ministry, refers to the prohibition of using “the dressing rooms within these circles. “

Lounges, bingo and slot machines – Even the closure of the gaming halls had already been introduced at the end of October, but now “the interpretative doubts that arose during the first application are clarified, establishing that the activities of the gaming halls, betting halls, bingo halls casinos are suspended “even if they take place within the premises used for different activities'”. This means that it is forbidden to play in all Italy, even in the slot machines present in bars and tobacconists.

Restaurants and hotels – With regard to the catering sector, in the orange areas, bars and restaurants are closed (with the exception of dining rooms and restaurants), while delivery and take-out are allowed before 10 p.m. “with prohibition of consumption in the place or in the vicinity”. Side note to Hotels: in the orange areas there is no restriction, this means that they can “provide catering services to exclusive benefit of your customers without time limits. “Home delivery” for consumption in the room “is also allowed.

Mobility in the orange zone – The Ministry of the Interior continues its review of the dpcm explaining what regulations are in force in the so-called orange areas, that is, at “high risk” of contagion COVID-19. Here you can move freely and without self-certification, as long as you stay within your municipality of residence, domicile or domicile (it is not allowed to move to another municipality). At 10 p.m., however, a curfew takes place, as well as for the yellow zones. Consequently, until 5 in the morning it is necessary to have a good reason to leave the house. The reasons why a move can generally be authorized, the ministry adds, also include those of study (for example, if your university or school is in a different municipality than where you reside) or the need to “take advantage unsuspended services and not available in the municipality of residence, domicile or domicile “.” Therefore, it will be possible – continues the circular – to move to go, only as an example, to public offices, shops or service centers (for example, for tax assistance, social security, etc.) when they are not present in their municipal territory. Of course the prudential rules that suggest not only limiting movements to what is essential, but also making them, in principle, reach the nearest place where, however, it is possible to satisfy one’s own needs. “

Rossa area – Here, explains the Ministry of the Interior, the “strictest possible regimen“Regarding mobility. Self-certification is always necessary to move, even when exercising outdoors. The only exception is when” the performance of said activities in accordance with the precept is it’s really the blink of an eye“Basically if a Glance by the agents to understand that the motor activity is being carried out. As for the markets, the ministry specifies that both the exteriors and interiors are closed, “except for activities aimed at the sale of food products only. the itinerant trade therefore it is still allowed in outdoor stalls to market areas more or less itinerant for all types of merchandise indicated inannex 23 to the dpcm “.

Sports activity in the red zone – All contact sports and sports activities are suspended. “Without exception,” emphasizes the ministry. Therefore, unlike the provisions for the yellow area and the orange area, the same sports activities are included in the prohibition, even if they are carried out in outdoor clubs ”. On the other hand, it is possible to carry out physical activity “in the immediate vicinity of the house, as long as the distance of at least one meter for each other person and with obligation to wear masks“It allowed the use of” equipped areas and public parks, where accessible, not necessarily located near of the own house “.
