New Dpcm, the new restrictive measures in red zones as of November 6



On Friday, more restrictive measures will be applied in the red and orange zones. This is what Ansa learns from sources from the Ministry of Health.

The new DCPM for the orange and red areas will be in effect from November 6 (and no later than November 5) to December 3. This was decided by the government to allow everyone time to organize their activities. Palazzo Chigi makes it known. In any case, we want to point out that the date indicated in the Dpcm is November 5.

The text will be presented this afternoon at 20:20.

Which regions are in the red zone “is still being evaluated: it is a combination of incidence and trend criteria, Rt value and 21 indicators including those of resilience, that is, on how well the system is able to respond,” he said. the director of the prevention department of the health ministry, Gianni Rezza, at the press conference at the ministry.

New DPCM – Online-only college meetings, educational trip stops except PTCO, masks, DAD activation. Point scheme

