New Dpcm, the measures: narrow restaurants and smart work at 75%. School, Cts: “Staggered Admissions”


New Dpcm, the measures: narrow restaurants and smart work at 75%.  School, Cts:

A Dpcm balanced between anti-contagion rigor and fear of a new crisis for the world of work, above all restaurants and gyms. Negotiations on the measures to be included in the new one are still continuing Dpcm: a document still incomplete that the Government hopes will be shared as much as possible with the Regions, ready to lend a hand and still convinced of the idea of ​​distance education in secondary school. There are already some certainties: smart work up to 70-75% and a greater squeeze in nightlife.

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Dpcm, hardened measurements

The basic idea – explained Health Minister Roberto Speranza at a summit with the governors – is to tighten the measures for some non-essential activities, protecting jobs and schools. The aim is to “avoid reaching the levels” of France and other EU countries. But Confcommercio and Cgia, on the economic front, portend “dark scenarios.” The aim is to avoid as much as possible that the new measures affect operators in the sectors in the center of the squeeze, from pubs to gyms. “However, it does not seem to me that restaurants and establishments that ensure seating in compliance with the protocols should fall into the category of places where there are gatherings,” explains the president of the Conference of Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, who also asks for guarantees for Refreshment of the forced sectors affected by the measures. “We are working – adds the president of Liguria, Giovanni Toti- to interventions that for the moment exclude the curfew of the French model and a greater tightening of bars and restaurants, which however must continue to respect the regulations with great rigor”.

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Cts, School: staggered admissions to superions and universities

Staggered plasters for schools and universities but at the moment without distance learning, reorganization of local transport with the participation of mayors, strengthening of diagnostic activities and locating contacts with general practitioners and pediatricians, strengthening of territorial medicine through the contribution Civil Protection. According to what has been learned, these would be the indications that emerged during the meeting of the Technical Scientific Committee that could be adopted by the government to stop the wave of infections.

The doubts of the Regions

A definitive proposal has not yet emerged from the Regions among the governors and one of the hypotheses is to set the closure of the premises at 11 at night. Everyone agrees with the introduction of clearer restrictions on the methods of consumption within the premises: “It would be enough – they explain – to define more precisely the capacities according to the distances and to increase the controls, perhaps imposing a stricter prohibition to the outdoor meetings “. Speranza, however, reiterates an even more intransigent line when it comes to nightlife: “We could go the extra mile,” he says, “let’s evaluate if it’s a tightening of the afternoon schedule.” And in the economic sphere, the minister guaranteed: “if we as a government decide to ask any sector to cease or limit its activities, we will take care of the refreshment.” Aid that could be inserted in parallel in the new budgetary maneuver. The discussion about transportation and distance education remains open, especially for fourth and fifth year high school students. The Regions ask to meet with the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, in the next few hours to definitively address the pending issue of the final step with the government, so that the decree is put in black and white. One of the hypotheses, proposed by Umbria, is that of an experimental period of 15 days of ‘Papa’, until October 30.

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The sports activities node

The legal gambling sector and sports activities could also come at the expense of the new measures. From the most restrictive hypothesis of the closure of all gyms and swimming pools to that of prohibiting only contact sports practiced in an amateur way. “Consider protecting at least the equipment, which can comply with the new protocols,” indicate the Regions. Inevitable the alarm from trade associations, already concerned about the hardening of the spring closure. From the report prepared by Confcommercio it is expected that “the fourth quarter will open under the banner of renewed and profound uncertainty fueled by the dynamics of contagion” with the result that the “conviviality” and tourism “sectors will not be affected by the GDP recovery “. “. For the month of October, Confcommercio estimates an increase in the cyclical product of 0.9% which translates into an annual decrease of 5.1%. Due to the virus” we run the risk of burning 160,000 million of the GDP, “it warns the Cgia de Mestre according to which GDP could fall by 10% compared to 2019. Trade unions in the sector criticize the Lombardy region, which has already suspended all legal gambling activities, worried that the restrictions will now extend to all the country.

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Last updated: 22:32

