The draft of the new decree It also contains other novelties: the closing of shopping centers on weekends and of cinemas, theaters and casinos. In the text, yet to be defined, there is also the recommendation not to move from the Municipality itself. According to the draft, the new anti-Covid measures will come into effect from October 25; the possible stop in restaurants and bars after 6 pm, on the other hand, from October 26.
Stop the gym-pool activity – Possible suspension of the activities of gyms, swimming pools, swimming centers, wellness centers, spas, except for the provision of services included in the essential levels of care, as well as cultural centers, social centers and recreational centers.
Restaurants and bars closed from 6:00 p.m. and all Sunday – “As of October 26, the activities of the catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are suspended on Sundays and holidays; the rest of the days are allowed from 5 to 18”. This is what a first draft of the Dpcm on which the government is working in these hours anticipates. This is a draft that is being defined and executive sources specify that, in view of the final one, the measures could change. The preliminary draft provides that from 6:00 p.m. the consumption of food and beverages in public places and open to the public is prohibited, while catering with home delivery is allowed in compliance with hygiene and health regulations. Take-out catering is allowed until midnight, with prohibition of consumption on site or in the immediate vicinity.
Regions: “No restaurants closed at 6 pm” – Do not close bars and restaurants at 18, but insert differentiations based on the general opening hours of the premises. It is one of the requests of the Regions to the government: “We also ask the Executive not to close the regional, provincial and municipal borders. There are people who travel for work and studies.”
Maximum 4 people at restaurant and bar tables – Consumption at the table could be allowed for a maximum of four people per table, unless everyone lives together.
Recommended not to receive “non-partners” at home – “Indoor and outdoor parties are prohibited, including those resulting from civil and religious ceremonies. With regard to private homes, it is strongly recommended not to receive people who are not living together, except for proven work needs or situations of need and urgency “. This is what the eraser provides.
Recommended not to move from your municipality – “It is strongly recommended to all natural persons not to move, by public or private means of transport, to a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile, except for proven reasons of work, study, health, situations of need or to carry out activities or use services that are not suspended and not available in that municipality. ”This is what we read in the draft.
Stop at theaters, cinemas, casinos – According to the draft, “the activities of the games rooms, betting rooms and bingo halls and casinos are suspended. Shows open to the public in theaters, concert halls, cinemas and other spaces, including outdoor”.
School, freshman school still attending, dad 75% in high school – The didactic and educational activity for the first cycle of education – maternal, primary and secondary – and for educational services for children will continue to be developed in person. This can be read in the first draft of the new Dpcm, which is being defined. The institutes, on the other hand, will adopt a father equal to 75% of the activities and therefore 25% in presence throughout the national territory, homologate the regional ordinances.
Stop at public and private tenders – According to the draft, public and private tenders have been suspended. According to the law, “public and private bankruptcy procedures are suspended, with the exception of cases in which the evaluation of candidates is carried out exclusively on a curricular and / or telematic basis”. The suspension does not include those of health and civil protection personnel. In addition, “the procedures in progress and those for which there are specific organizational protocols validated by the Scientific Technical Committee”.
Public events only if they are “static” – The holding of public events may only be allowed statically, provided that, during them, the prescribed social distances and other containment measures are respected.
Stop at conferences and congresses “in person” – “Conferences, congresses and other events are suspended, except those that take place remotely. In the context of public administrations, meetings are held remotely, unless there are justified reasons; it is highly recommended to also hold private meetings remotely. “This is what the draft of the Dpcm provides.