Stop by for private parties. No more than 6 people are recommended in the house. School trips and amateur contact sports such as soccer are prohibited. Masks are also recommended at home if you are not living together. A maximum of 30 people at weddings and funerals.
The government with the new Dpcm tries to equip itself with more tools in the fight against cornavirus infection (LIVEBLOG – SPECIAL). Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Health Minister Roberto Speranza signed the Dpcm with the new measures: the signature arrived late last night, after having received comments from the Regions on the final text. The new measures will be in effect for the next thirty days. It is still the obligation to wear the mask practically always unless you are running or cycling. The most important grip comes especially for social life and parties.
Clubs and bars
Covid, from home parties to stadiums: October’s Dpcm measurements
Restaurants and bars will have to close at midnight, but after 9:00 p.m. it will be forbidden to consume standing up, so only those places that have tables will be able to continue serving customers. indoors or outdoors.
Parties are prohibited in all indoor and outdoor venues. Civil or religious ceremonies such as weddings are still allowed, with the rules established by the protocols already in force. Instead, the parties that follow the ceremonies can take place with a maximum participation of 30 people in accordance with the protocols and guidelines in force. In private homes, “however, it is strongly recommended to avoid parties and receive non-cohabitants” in number “greater than 6”.
School trips
The Dpcm also intervenes in student trips. “Educational trips, exchange or twinning initiatives, guided visits and educational outings planned by schools of all levels are suspended – it reads in the approved text, without prejudice to the activities related to the courses for competitions transversal courses and orientation, as well as practical activities “.
Forbidden amateur sports
All competitions, competitions and all activities related to contact sports of an amateur nature are prohibited. Contact sports are permitted, according to the draft dpcm, “by professional clubs and both on a competitive level and on a basis by amateur clubs and associations.recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), by the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP), in compliance with the protocols issued by the respective national sports federations, associated sports disciplines and sports promotion bodies, capable of preventing or reducing the risk of contagion in the reference sector or in similar sectors “.
Sports events
For sports competitions, the presence of the public is allowed, “with a maximum filling percentage of 15% of the total capacity and in any case no more than the maximum number of 1000 spectators” outdoors and 200 indoors. The distance of one meter and the measurement of fever at the entrance must be guaranteed. The autonomous regions and provincesIn relation to the progress of the epidemiological situation in their territories, they may establish, in agreement with the Minister of Health, a different maximum number of spectators in consideration of the size and characteristics of the places and facilities; With reference to the maximum number of spectators for non-outdoor sporting events and competitions, the ordinances already adopted by the autonomous regions and provinces are in any case without prejudice.
Testing and quarantine
October signed dpcm, Conte: “No to a generalized blockade”
News also about quarantine times, as stated in the Circular of the Ministry of Health that updates the indications: “Close contacts of cases with SARS-CoV-2 infection confirmed and identified by the health authorities, must observe a period of quarantine of 14 days from the last exposure to the case. “Or there is a” quarantine period of 10 days from the last exposure with negative antigen or molecular test performed on the 10th day. “It is also recommended: perform the molecular test at the end of the quarantine all people who live or come in regular contact with people who are fragile and / or at risk of complications.
The masks
The provision of outdoor masks has been included, already expressed in general terms in the decree law. There is a strong recommendation on masks inside private homes in the presence of people who do not live together. “We do not believe that we are introducing a binding rule, but we want to send the message that if you receive people who do not live together at home you must wear a mask,” said Prime Minister Conte himself.