Ancona, November 3, 2020 – The new Dpcm will arrive (perhaps) already tonight and, as announced, will divide Italy into three bands (red, orange and green): classification will be based on light factors, one is certainly theRt index (the last one detected by the ISS gave the Marks to 1.48). Another is the degree of stress in hospitals: in Marche, according to Agenas (National Agency for Regional Health Services), they are 37% of intensive care places occupied available. In Italy, there are 9 regions above the 30% threshold.
But late in the afternoon, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte connected with the Presidents of the Regions to find a consensus, if not unanimous, at least as broad as possible, even in light of the latest regional bulletin. Governors, therefore, know it.
Coronavirus Italy, today’s newsletter, November 3. Covid contagion table and data
“Le Marche right now they are not among the regions considered most contagiousHowever, this should not reassure us, we must pay all possible and imaginable attention to the field, ”explained Francesco Acquaroli on the sidelines of the Regional Council meeting.
“In the new Dpcm under evaluation in the offices of our region – he added – there could be the possibility of close shopping centers on Saturdays and Sundays to avoid meetings, and the traffic limitation communication for some realities where the index may be higher: therefore, the creation of micro red areas where you enter and leave only for work or health reasons. But these are hypotheses, let’s leave them as hypotheses. If it will be necessary they can be deployed, we hope not because it would mean having areas with a higher risk of contagion.
The indications of the new Dpcm establish that, in the regions, provinces and municipalities of maximum risk are ” discontinued the deal retail, except for the sale of food “.
“The first great battle against the virus is fought personal behavior – Acquaroli remarked: wearing a mask, disinfection, personal hygiene, distancing. It must be the most important reason, then there are collective measures where individual behaviors do not respect these rules to avoid meetings and those situations in which the virus may have more capacity to spread. Our region is not among the worst – he concluded – but that should not make us relax “.
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