
The new Dpcm illustrated last night by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte it does not mention – and it could not be otherwise – the specific case of Campania. It provides a series of general rules that will be “placed” in the local framework, or in the individual regions, of different color depending on the severity index with respect to the contagion of Covid-19: red, like Campania today, orange or yellow. So last night many who were waiting for news about the region and about a possible zone change were disappointed, in particular traders: change from red to orange or yellow it means opening clothing stores and shopping centers. For a merchant, this is not a trivial matter: it means alerting shop assistants and employees and making sure the store is operational.
So chaos last night. Confesercenti and Confcommercio, two of the main trade associations, had to alert their members through social media, recommending not to open stores the next day. Someone, according to Fanpage.it, did it in protest, others in uncertainty opted for the opening and someone could have been fined as we wrote.
However, this morning, the regulatory framework was clearer: there is no PDF of the ‘smuggled’ dpcm in Telegram chats, no websites about Covid news, not all news channels: the decree was official and clearly stated how it should be. involve:

The provisions of the ordinances of the Ministry of Health (including the last one that extended the red zone in Campania until yesterday, December 3) are valid no later than December. There will be more ordinances to change the regional framework. News is expected for Campania today: Friday is the day that the Istituto Superiore di Sanità generally publishes the weekly monitoring data on New Coronavirus infections. Campania could be reclassified into the orange or yellow zone: infections are decreasing and intensive care is less “under siege” than in recent days. However, as always it will be a decision of the policy that will cross the data of the famous “indicators” in turn based on the numbers published by the local ASL and transferred to the Region.
Today the president of Confesercenti Campania Vincenzo Schiavo sent a letter to the prefect of Naples, Marco Valentini asking understanding and tolerance by the police regarding the reopening of stores:
Mr. Prefect, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s communications, broadcast live last night, illustrating the measures contained in the Dpcm approved the same day, have reluctantly created confusion and inconvenience to commercial operators, especially to those of the clothing sector. and footwear, closed in these weeks of the red zone of our region. The affirmation, with its explanatory sign, of the opening from today of all stores throughout Italy has created, in a category already seriously affected by the consequences of the ongoing pandemic, hopes, interpretative expectations and doubts.
Fearing that an entrepreneur, based on this statement, may open his business today in good faith, we ask that you issue a note to the police, who are obliged to comply with the law, advising the necessary understanding towards the activities in the open case and that the exact interpretation of the rule is communicated to those who open their business, closing the business until the announced new ministerial provision and without proceeding with the harsh sanctions provided.
Then there is the case of some stores – documented by Fanpage.it – that, long before the Dpcm, continued to sell in breach of the closure obligation, using some stratagem.
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