The government is preparing to launch the new Dpcm, which contains a tightening especially for the provinces with the highest risk, those where the Rt index is higher and higher than 1.5. Meanwhile, negotiations continue on the national curfew, which could apply from 6 pm or 9 pm (probably the second option).
Among the measures, also the closure of shopping centers on weekends to contain the spread of the infection and the blocking of transfers between regions except for urgent work or health reasons.
New DPCM, M5S and Italia Viva: last schools to close even in the red zones. But I must also have masks when sitting
The block of transfers between regions inevitably also involves extraordinary competition, which began on October 22 and will end, except for postponements, on November 16.
The competition test continues, despite the controversy especially about the risks for the transfer from one region to another of thousands of participants.
It should be noted that in the last DPCM, currently in force, the stoppage of public and private competitions was included in the draft prior to the official text. The prohibition to carry out was initially foreseen in the draft of the text: the letter z of article 1 of the circulated text read as follows: “Public and private bankruptcy procedures and those for qualification for the profession are suspended … with the exception of those of health and civil protection personnel … without prejudice to ongoing procedures”.
We continue, therefore, respecting the security protocol validated by the Scientific Technical Committee, although there are still some doubts regarding territorial movements. The blocking of interregional transfers could compromise the continuation of the test, but behind the words “proven work reasons”, it could also be that the test be carried out in another region, different from the one of origin.
For now, it must be clarified, it is only a hypothesis and it is good to stick to the official documents. The DPCM should be issued on Tuesday, November 3.
New Decree of the Prime Minister, the hypothesis of a national curfew is specified: from 9:00 p.m. or 10:00 p.m.
It should be noted that in the last hours on this issue the League deputy, Rossano Sasso, has intervened: “Speaking of school, before making any proposal, stop the absurd, useless and dangerous competition for teachers. We must prevent the absolutely useless movement between regions, of tens of thousands of people, exposing themselves and others to the risk of contagion. Between red zones, regional blocks, a pandemic that has now exploded everywhere, Conte prevails over Azzolina and makes her understand that this competition must be stopped.
The damage done is already enormous, but starting tomorrow it could be irremediable ”.
School competitions: extraordinary, ordinary secondary, ordinary infantile and primary. Dates and tests, all the info