New dpcm, Hope: “Holiday restrictions will be tightened. At Christmas, San Esteban and New Year’s Eve, it is forbidden to travel between municipalities”


“If we let our guard down, the third wave It is just around the corner “. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranzadoes not mince words to anticipate to Parliament what is the government line new dpcm that will be approved in the next few hours and then it will come into force as of December 4. The data of the last Weekly tracking on the progress of pandemic confirm that “the measures adopted they are working“, Starting from the division of the country into three risk bands. But be careful not to “exchange a first ray of sunshine with the saved by the hair“, Speranza warns, remembering that the”summer lightness“It led the virus to” overflow “in September. A situation that” cannot be repeated “, given the still high pressure on hospitals and daily infections to 20 thousand. Therefore, the minister announces, during the holidays “limitations they will be strengthened“. Speranza does not go into details of the provision, but confirms an indiscretion leaked in the morning papers:” In addition to discouraging international travel and limit those between the Regions – as is the case today among those in the orange and red areas – a Christmas, Saint Stephen me New Year there will be blocking of movements between municipalities“.

Zoning remains – The first “basic choice” that the government has made for the holidays, continues the minister, is therefore “to limit unnecessary contacts between people” and avoid “possible meetings”, such as those related to science. If, therefore, the closure of the plants is confirmed, it is not yet clear whether they will be granted exceptions at the stop of the movements (the return to their country of residence), for example to first degree relatives. On this, Speranza said he was willing to listen to any proposal from the Rooms. The second pillar on which the new dpcm will be based is the reconfirmation of the “classification of the Regions”. The “three-zone system has been successful,” says Speranza. Even if the technicians of the ministry and the ISS confront the Regions in 21 parameters that determine the inclusion in each risk band (after the disputes of the governors), “the basic structure is correct and allows action proportionally since epidemiological conditions vary ”, he adds. And so it will also be during the holidays. On the other hand, the mechanism allowed “to bend the curve without the generalized blockadeLast spring, that “other countries were forced to choose” even now.

“Rt soon below 1, but great difficulties remain” – During his speech before the Senate, the Minister of Health later showed optimism about the trend of infections. “L ‘Rt index It went from 1.7 to 1.08 in four weeks, and I’m sure it will drop below 1 ″ in the short term. A threshold, he explains, considered “essential to control infections” and that will allow the gradual “return to assistance in student school higher“The fact is that they” remain great difficulties. The sustained circulation of the virus makes it difficult to trace contacts and can lead to outbreaks. There is a strong pressure on the hospitals, from the medical area to the intensive care ”. According to Speranza, therefore, “for the stabilization of the first positive results it is necessary other weeks of sacrifices and then a solid maintenance cure “in view of vaccine. In this regard, the minister explained to the parliamentarians the distribution and administration plan which will start in January. “The purchase of the vaccine is centralized and administered free For all Italians, a right guaranteed to all people is a common good. No inequality will be eligible in the vaccination campaign, “he announced.

The roadmap for the signature – Once the information has been completed in Palazzo Madama, Speranza is also expected in Montecitorio. A new meeting with the Regions is scheduled for this day to finalize the details of the dpcm. The roadmap provides for it to be signed before midnight on December 3, which coincides with the deadline of the previous provision. Therefore, delays are not allowed. Some details have been anticipated by the minister, others have already been leaked in recent days. As the curfew, which is confirmed at 22, the possibility of going to lunch at the restaurant, the ski stop and cruise ships. After a long evening meeting of the premier Giuseppe Conte with the heads of delegation, in fact, the government has decided to embrace the hard line to prevent the Christmas holidays from starting the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic. The knot of meetings among first-degree relatives, currently not present in the draft dpcm, initially designed to prevent millions of seniors from being alone on vacation.

The draft of the dpcm – In fact, from December 21 to January 6, you can move between Regions only to get to your residence and maybe even yours. home, as well as for proven work, health or need reasons. Instead, he will not be able to move to meet the family members or go to second box Outside the Region: “We cannot risk making our grandparents sick and we cannot ignore that we still have hundreds of deaths every day,” is the government’s thesis. In addition, there is the decision to armor the main holidays establishing that the days 25 and 26 of December and 1 of January will not be possible leave your municipality. In people who host for dinner or lunch at home there rules and prohibitions will come, but recommendations and an invitation to avoid being with people who do not live together. Throughout the entire period, including Christmas, the curfew will be maintained from 10 pm and the opening of shops until 9 pm. Christmas Mass – but the CEI assesses this – must take place at 20. Other issues remain to be resolved and will only be resolved after the confrontation with Parliament and the Regions: something could change. For example, there is much debate about the closure of hotels near the ski slopes but a decision has not yet been made. On the other hand, the closing of at least until January is safe installations (France and Germany should do like Italy, the prime minister said yesterday afternoon) and to prevent contagion from returning from other countries that have open plants, there should be quarantine obligation. Cruise ships will undergo one stop, to prevent the prohibited parts on land from eventually taking place at sea.
