
Barring one last minute twist, the high school is expected to reopen after the Christmas break in January. It was decided, according to agency sources, yesterday during a tough confrontation in the Council of Ministers.
According to reports from the Adnkronos, the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, would have assured her colleagues to restart in complete safety. “The schools can be reopened immediately, we can do it,” he would have guaranteed. Skepticism, reports the agency, on the part of those who have collected the doubts of the Regions that have requested a restart in January for the present high school.
The head of the M5S delegation, Alfonso Bonafede, reports the report, would have asked during the CDM that the Regions explain the reasons for the request “otherwise in January we will find the same problems and we cannot afford any further postponements.”
Today it will be Premier Conte who will ask the governors to explain what is stopping the return to the counters, be it transport or other, in order to intervene promptly. If there are no more changes in the last hour, the caution line will prevail: secondary schools will return in January, while for all other school orders the rules of the three bands (green, yellow, red) will be respected.
The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, on the basis of the weekly monitoring, will sign the new ordinances that as of Sunday will make some regions go from red to orange and others from orange to yellow, allowing first cycle students to return to classes . However, the possibility remains for the Regions to intervene with their own ordinances.
In the evening, after a review work that continues even after the CDM, the government has already sent the governors the new dpcm that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will sign at night and will be in force as of December 4.