New Dpcm effective tomorrow, Italy divided into three


New Dpcm effective tomorrow, Italy divided into three

Yellow, orange and red. These are the three areas Italy was divided into, each with its own restrictive measures. Measures that will take effect from tomorrow, Friday, November 6, “so that everyone has adequate time to organize their activities”, were the words of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, when illustrating the new Dpcm.

Nell ‘yellow zone Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Molise, Sardinia, Liguria, Marche, Tuscany, Umbria, Veneto, the provinces of Trento and Bolzano. “Apulia and Sicily are included in theorange area. The regions ofrossa zone, “Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta are very critical”, stressed the premier.

New Dpcm: closures, displacements and prohibitions

YELLOW REGIONS – Here it will be forbidden to circulate between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. Shops close in shopping centers on holidays and days prior to holidays, with the exception of pharmacies, drugstores, groceries, tobacconists and kiosks. Exhibitions and museums closed. Distance learning is foreseen for secondary schools, while face-to-face lessons remain in kindergarten, primary and secondary schools. Distance learning also in college, except for freshmen and lab activities. Written tests for competitions and professional qualification tests are suspended, with some exceptions. For public transport, filling up to 50% except school transport. Stop gambling, playing and video games. Closed swimming pools, gyms, theaters and cinemas, sports centers remain open ”. In the yellow zone, “there is a recommendation not to go to other homes.”

ORANGE REGIONS – Sicily and Puglia fall into this category. Compared to the yellow zone, it is also forbidden to move in and out of one region to another and from one municipality to another, except for reasons of work, study, health, needs and to take advantage of services and activities not available in the municipality. of residence. In these regions we close bars and restaurants 7 days a week, they can operate to go until 10 pm. There are no restrictions on home delivery ”.

RED REGIONS – In Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta. Even more restrictive measures apply to these regions. It is forbidden to move even within the municipality itself at any time, except for reasons of work, study, health or necessity. Shops are closed, except for food, pharmacies, drugstores, hairdressers, barbers and laundries. In public offices, I work in presence only for non-postponable activities. Otherwise, we are dedicated to smart work. Distance learning extends to second and third grade. In the case of sixth grade, we did not want to impose excessive sacrifices on students who have just started a new experience, it is only fair that they can continue. University courses will be held remotely, with the exception of medicine with related practices. Written tests for competitions and professional qualification tests are suspended, with some exceptions. All sports competitions are suspended, except those recognized as of national interest by the Coni and the Cip. Any activity in the sports centers is suspended, physical activity near the house and individual sports activities are allowed. Here, too, for public transport, filling up to 50% with the exception of school transport. Stop gambling, playing and video games. “

PROVINCE – The Dpcm foresees “in the abstract a differentiation, we have the mechanism to operate” from areas within individual regions. But the basic criterion is linked to a “mechanism built on a regional basis.”

SELF CERTIFICATION – “It is linked to the prohibitions. The movements in the red zones must be self-certified at any time of the day. The form, to justify the movements, is the same that is already used after the Decree of the Prime Minister of October 24 last in regions where there were more restrictive ordinances national measures and, therefore, when a curfew has already been ordered. In case of control by the police, self-certification will be required to travel from 22:00 to 05:00 by throughout Italy and to travel within and between the red zones. that will allow movements, there are proven work needs, health reasons and other reasons allowed by current regulations or by decrees, ordinances and other measures that define the measures to prevent the spread of the infection.

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