New Dpcm Draghi: the colors remain. Tomorrow the first draft – Chronicle


Rome, February 25, 2021 – The video conference lasted almost three hours confrontation between the government and local authorities (Regions, Provinces and Municipalities) in new Dpcm that will replace Until 6 April the one of January 16 that expires on March 5. The government was represented by the ministers Mariastella gelmini (Regional affairs) and Roberto Speranza (Health). The President of the Conference of the Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, the President of Anci and Mayor of Bari, Antonio Decaro, and the President of the Union of Provinces of Italy, Michele de Pascale, were also remotely connected.

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As Draghi had already announced in his speech in parliament, the line of the new government is to adopt measures with Advance regarding the deadline and discuss step by step with the local authorities.

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And as a testimony of all this, Minister Gelmini announced: “The government is working intensely in these hours on the new anti-Covid measure. I am naturally in constant contact with Palazzo Chigi and we hope to have you on the day of morning (Fri Feb 26, ed), long before the March 5 deadline, a first draft of the Dpcm. For the Draghi executive, constant dialogue with the Regions and anticipating decisions is essential to allow citizens the time necessary to organize their lives ”. Gelmini stressed: “We are working for a gradual and responsible return to normality.”

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Advances / Colored areas

Dark orange and red zones: the map

The minister anticipated the guidelines of the new Dpcm. Starting with the colored areas. “THEThe band system will be maintained. So far a generalized blockade and this should be the main objective also for the next weeks and months. “Then he emphasized:” You are definitely noticing a change in method. We met on Sunday and today we meet again. The meetings will be more and more frequent and constant ”.

About him postponement to monday Since the Sunday when the ordinances came into force “this had been requested by the Regions, and I had shared it, we have achieved this. In this way we also help economic activities that will not lose the weekend.”

Places of culture

Regarding places of culture, the minister anticipated: “We are working for a gradual reopening of places of culture. Minister Franceschini has initiated a discussion with the CTS to ensure that, the month of march passed, you can imagine a reopening with the appropriate security measures. It is a path, it is not yet an acquired result. But it is a sign that it is going in the right direction.

Opening of schools

Based on what has been learned, the Regions have requested an opinion from the Scientific Technical Committee onopening of schools in light of the particular epidemiological situation, linked to the spread of variants and in particular the English variant.

The reactions

As a result of the meeting of the Regions, the President of the Conference and Governor of Emilia Romagna spoke: Stefano bonaccini: “Regarding the document presented by the Regions last week, some first positive responses arrived this morning, but on other issues more comments are needed. decisive acceleration in terms of vaccines, a review of the criteria for assigning the bands and a preventive evaluation of the impact of the variants. “On the subject of criteria, Bonaccini added:” some first steps forward. There is a desire for the technical group to work on the revision of the criteria and parameters that are the basis for defining the coloration of the different risk bands ”. Gelmini he replied: “To completely change one method, the band system, you need a different one. And at the moment it seems to me that this does not exist, because nobody has indicated an alternative method.
