
In the Chamber of Deputies, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte illustrated the measures of the new DPCM that the government will launch in the next few hours.
Among the planned measures are also those that have an impact on the school and for competitions. In the DPCM it is foreseen “Also in distance learning for secondary schools.” The government plans to adopt at the national level “Travel limits to and from regions with high levels of risk, except for reasons of work, study, health and proven needs.”
PLEASE NOTE The measures will enter into force only after their publication in the Official Gazette. The measures have only been announced by Conte, but will not yet be valid until there is a final text signed by the prime minister and endorsed by President Mattarella.
Conte explained “In the Dpcm we will indicate 3 areas with three risk scenarios with increasingly restrictive measures.” The inclusion of a Region in one of the bands will be carried out “By order of the Minister of Health”. These scenarios should take into account -explained the premier- the virus’s replicability index, outbreaks and the situation of occupation of hospital beds.
The interruption of mobility to Regions with “high risk coefficients” is foreseen, except for verified labor needs, of absolute urgency or for health reasons. There will also be limits on the movement of people at night, but Prime Minister Conte did not specify the time and spoke generically of “late at night.” The new dpcm provides for the closure of shopping centers on weekends and holidays, with the exception of pharmacies, parapharmacies, food stores and tobacconists.
New DPCM, Conte: “100% secondary schools in distance education, hopefully a temporary measure” [DIRETTA VIDEO]