New Dpcm December 4, changing from today


New Dpcm December 4, changing from today

The new Dpcm signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte provides for new restrictions to face the Covid-19 emergency during the Christmas holidays. Curfew, trips, schools, restaurants, here are the measures in detail.

CURFEW – “From 10pm to 5am the next day, as well as from 10pm on December 31, 2020 to 7am on January 1, 2021 – read the Dpcm text posted on the government website – only trips motivated by proven needs, situations of need or for health reasons. In any case, it is strongly recommended, during the rest of the day, not to travel in public or private means of transport, except for reasons of work, studies, health, for situations of need or for carry out activities or take advantage of non-suspended services “.

MOVEMENTS – “In accordance with article 1, paragraph 2, of Decree Law December 2, 2020, n.158, from December 21, 2020 to January 6, 2021, any entry and exit movement is prohibited within the national territory. departure between the territories of different regions or autonomous provinces, and on December 25 and 26, 2020 and January 1, 2021, any movement between municipalities is also prohibited, except for movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or by Health reasons However, it is allowed to return to your residence, domicile or domicile – it is written in the Dpcm – with the exclusion of trips to second homes located in another Region or Autonomous Province and, on December 25 and 26, 2020 and January 1, 2021., also located in another Municipality, to which the aforementioned prohibitions apply “.

SCHOOLS – “Second grade secondary schools adopt flexible forms in the organization of teaching activities in accordance with articles 4 and 5 of the decree of the President of the Republic of March 8, 1999, n.275, so that 100 percent One hundred of the activities are carried out through the use of integrated digital teaching and that, as of January 7, 2021, 75 percent of the student population of the aforementioned institutions has guaranteed face-to-face teaching activity. the possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities if the use of laboratories is necessary or for reasons of maintaining an educational relationship that achieves the effective school inclusion of students with disabilities and special educational needs, in accordance with the provisions of the decree of the Minister of Education n. 89 of August 7, 2020, and by order of the Minister of Education n.134 of October 9, 2020, guaranteeing at the same time the online connection ne with the students of the class who are in integrated digital education. The didactic and educational activity for educational services for infancy, for kindergarten and for the first cycle of education continues to be developed entirely in presence ”.

Shops – “Retail commercial activities – reads the Dpcm – are carried out on the condition that it is guaranteed, in addition to interpersonal distance of at least one meter, that entries are made late and that it is prevented from staying inside the premises longer than the time necessary to purchase the merchandise; the aforementioned activities must be carried out in accordance with the content of the appropriate protocols or guides to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion in the reference sector or in similar areas, adopted by the Regions or by the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces of Trento and Bolzano in accordance with the principles contained in the national protocols or guidelines and in any case with the criteria established in Annex 10. The application of the measures established in Annex 11 is also recommended. ; on holidays and pre-holidays, commercial establishments in markets and shopping centers, shopping galleries, shopping parks and They are closed and other similar structures, with the exception of pharmacies, parapharmacies, health centers, points of sale of food, agricultural products and nurseries, tobacco and kiosks; until January 6, 2021, the opening of points of sale is allowed until 9:00 p.m. “.

RESTAURANTS – “The activities of catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are allowed from 5:00 to 18:00; table consumption is allowed for a maximum of four people per table, unless they are all living together; After 6:00 p.m. it is forbidden to consume food and beverages in public places and open to the public; catering is allowed in hotels and other accommodation facilities without a time limit, limited to its customers, who stay there; by 6:00 p.m. on the 31st December 2020 and until 7:00 a.m. on January 1, 2021, catering in hotels and other accommodation facilities is only allowed with room service; home catering is always allowed in accordance with hygiene and health, both for packaging and transport activities, as well as catering to take away until 10 pm, with prohibition of consumption on site or in the vicinity ”.

SKI FACILITIES – “The lifts in the ski areas are closed; they can only be used by professional and non-professional athletes, recognized of national interest by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), by the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP) and / or by the respective Federations to allow preparation for the realization of national and international sports competitions or the realization of such competitions.As of January 7, 2021, the lifts are open to amateur skiers only subject to the adoption of specific guidelines by the Conference of Regions and autonomous provinces and validated by the technical-scientific committee, aimed at avoiding aggregations of people and, in general, concentrations ”.


MOVEMENTS – “Any movement in and out of the territories referred to in section 1 is prohibited, except movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons. However, movements strictly necessary to guarantee the Teach in presence within the permitted limits. Return home, home or residence permitted. Transit through the territories mentioned in paragraph 1 is permitted if necessary to reach additional territories not subject to travel restrictions or in cases where travel is permitted under this decree “.

“Any movement by means of public or private transport in a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile is prohibited, unless there is a proven need for work or study, for health reasons, for situations of need or to carry out activities or take advantage of non-services. suspended not available in that municipality “.

RESTAURANTS – “The activities of the catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are suspended, with the exception of dining rooms and continuous restoration in a contractual manner provided that the protocols or guidelines aim to prevent or contain contagion Only catering with home delivery is allowed in compliance with sanitary and hygienic regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with take-out food until 10.00 p.m., with prohibition of consumption on site or in En In any case, the food and beverage points of sale located in the service and refueling areas located along the motorways, European routes E45 and E55, in hospitals, airports, ports and interports remain open, with the obligation to ensure in In any case, respect for interpersonal distance of at least one meter ”.


MOVEMENTS – “Any movement in and out of the territories referred to in paragraph 1, as well as within the same territories, except movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons is strictly prohibited. Necessary to ensure the realization of face-to-face teaching are allowed within the limits in which it is allowed. Return home, home or residence is allowed. Transit through the territories mentioned in paragraph 1 is allowed if necessary to reach territories additional not subject to travel restrictions or in cases where travel is allowed in accordance with this decree “.

Shops – “Retail commercial activities are suspended, except for the sale of food and basic needs identified in Annex 23, both in neighborhood shops and in medium and large sales structures, also included in shopping centers, provided that the access only to the aforementioned activities and without prejudice to the closings on holidays and pre-holidays referred to in article 1, paragraph 10, letter ff) .The markets are closed, regardless of the type of activity carried out, except for the sale only of food, agricultural and horticultural products. Kiosks, tobacconists, pharmacies and parapharmacies remain open ”.

RESTAURANTS – “The activities of the catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are suspended, with the exception of dining rooms and continuous restoration in a contractual manner as long as the protocols or guidelines aim to prevent or contain contagion . Only catering with home delivery is allowed in compliance with sanitary and hygienic regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with take-out food until 10 p.m., with prohibition of consumption on site or in En In any case, the food and beverage points of sale located in the service and refueling areas located along the highways, European routes E45 and E55, in hospitals, airports, ports and interports remain open, with the obligation to ensure in In any case, respect for interpersonal distance of at least one meter ”.

SCHOOLS – “Without prejudice to the realization in the presence of kindergarten, primary school, educational services for children referred to in article 2 of Legislative Decree April 13, 2017, n.65 and the first year of attendance at secondary school In first grade, school and didactic activities are carried out exclusively at a distance, leaving the possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities in case the use of laboratories is necessary or to maintain an educational relationship that achieves the effective school inclusion of students with disabilities and needs educational programs, in accordance with the provisions of the decree of the Minister of Education No. 89, of August 7, 2020, and the Ordinance of the Minister of Education No. 134 of October 9, 2020, guaranteeing in any case the connection in in line with the students in the class who are in integrated digital teaching ”.

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