New Dpcm, Critical Acquaroli. “Unconvincing Options” – Chronicle


Governor Francesco Acquaroli
Governor Francesco Acquaroli

Ancona, October 25, 2020 – Francesco Acquaroli, governor of the region for less than a month, comments Dpcm issued by the Conte government that is preparing to go into effect tomorrow, renaming some options “not convincing”, especially regarding the early closure for some activities and categories and not for others.

“The Regions in the comparison with the government have highlighted what could be considered unconvincing options, such as allowing restaurants to remain open for lunch, but closed at night – says Acquaroli -. The virus, however, circulates both day and day. night It is not clear why some activities, such as swimming pools and gyms, must be closed even if they comply with all the procedures established for the containment of the virus, while others have not been affected by the decree “.” I believe that in compliance with the procedures, distance and clean up all the activities that could be done to respect them, although in a prudent way, they should continue working ”, adds the exponent FdI.

ALSO READ New Dpcm signed by Conte (PDF). Clubs closed at 6 pm, open on public holidays – “Gyms and pools condemned to death”

If for Acquaroli “it is fair to imagine a series of initiatives aimed at curbing the contagion curve“, the governor points a finger at some overly restrictive measures:” Blocking everything is risky. The enormous damage is for health, but there can also be enormous damage at a socioeconomic level – adds the Governor of Marche -, which presupposes a social property. I think it was necessary to be more open to discussion about these aspects. These options will be paid for by these categories and we don’t know for how long. “

Close at 11pm some restaurants would have cooled down the nightlife anyway – concludes Acquaroli-, but it would have allowed perhaps a more select work with families ”.
