New Dpcm Covid, hypothesis to stop moving until March 25. From vaccines to school: Government-Regions Summit.


New Dpcm Covid, from trips to vaccines and schools: government-Regions summit at 7:00 p.m.

Dai vaccines everybody schools, by restrictions anti-Covid at the refreshment stations. All this will be on the table in the meeting that we will see opposite at 19 the government and the Regions. Summit in videoconference prior to cabinet tomorrow morning to evaluate the new measures that will lead to a new decree or Dpcm Covid. The executive will be represented by the Minister of Regional Affairs, Mariastella Gelmini. Also the National Association of Italian Municipalities (Anci) will participate with President Antonio Decaro, Mayor of Bari. Among the issues under discussion, the decree law that prohibits travel between regions expires on February 25.

Covid vaccine, hypothesis of the “English model” in Italy

The new Covid decree could extend the limitations on travel related to the emergency by thirty days, confirm various ministerial sources, specifying that a final decision on the date has not yet been made. The limits must affect both mobility between the Regions (the block expires on February 25 and could therefore be extended until March 25) and the possibility of visiting friends and family and that is the rule that, for now, valid until On March 5, it allows a maximum of two people to move to another private home with children under 14 years of age.

The draft of the proposals

“In the context of the general and territorial epidemiological situation, it would be necessary to qualify school activity (like other activities) with a specific risk numbering,” reads the draft of the proposal platform that the Regions will present to the government. “It is necessary, in any case, to implement forms of parental leave as well as provide additional financial resources to support parents – concludes the text – in the event of the closure of schools at all levels due to the worsening of the epidemiological situation.”

Control room

“The expansion of the control room to the Ministers of Economic Development and Economy in order to measure the impacts of decisions on citizens and companies” is among other requests from the Regions. “Structurally, the same provision that introduces restrictions for the country and then particular restrictions for individual territories – the document says – must also activate compensation and safeguard responsibilities, guaranteeing contextuality regardless of who adopts the measure.” “It is also necessary to share more measures and always guarantee compensation both in the case of restrictive measures at the national and regional level – says the draft – In this context it seems absolutely necessary to clarify the state and regional competencies to align the calendar and its effectiveness “.

“National measures”

According to the Regions, “homogeneous basic national measures are needed, as is the case for the rest of the world, which go beyond the current zoning, except for more stringent measures for specific territorial contexts where the parameters reveal important deviations. The general and specific limitations must in any case take into account the analysis of the experience carried out so far, evaluating the restrictions that have proven to be more or less effective, in order to better weigh which activities it is necessary to close or limit even with protocols updated “.” The prerequisite for making valid decisions is to identify a strategy that is based on objective technical-scientific elaborations from which the policy will take responsibility for the decision, “reads the draft.


«The Regions and Autonomous Provinces consider the vaccination campaign a priority. The mechanism is too slow, and this is not due to organizational problems, structure or, at this moment, the unavailability of the population: the problem now is in the supply of doses, which depends on the Government. It is therefore the responsibility of the Government to implement the new strategy to find an adequate number of doses of vaccine and, in this sense, the Autonomous Communities and the Autonomous Provinces ensure its full availability, in the forms and ways deemed appropriate. , to collaborate ”, is highlighted below in the draft of the proposals developed by the Regions and Autonomous Provinces with a view to the next government measures on anti-covid measures. “In relation to the need to acquire a greater number of vaccines, it would also be desirable and urgent to evaluate the direct involvement of our companies in the production process, taking into account that there are companies and national supply chains capable of carrying out some stages of production. Furthermore, it is also considered necessary to seize the opportunity to assess the industrial repositioning of manufacturing companies for both Europe and Italy ”, the draft reads.

The school

With the alarm of variations that is also rampant in Italian schools, the Regions also ask for a risk classification for school activities, as is already the case in other sectors. Not only that: in the draft of the letter addressed to the government, the need for greater forms of parental leave and more resources to support parents in the event of the closure of institutions due to infection-related issues is claimed. The challenge, at all levels, is to find a complex point of equilibrium, while the country finds itself in the balance between fear of new variants of the virus and the desire, after a year of more or less rigid restrictions, to return to the normal. . The epidemic, however, does not give up and in the last period there are several schools that, throughout Italy, have had to close their doors due to infections. The latest is the Sinopoli-Ferrini institute in Rome and the decision was made precisely because of suspected cases of English variants: here the resumption of distance education activities is only scheduled to start from Wednesday, after the cleaning of the environments and projection. personal.

Since Saturday and for two weeks, in two municipalities between Bergamo and Brescia, classes in secondary schools stopped after the discovery of various positivities and the spectrum of the English variant. In Biella, the same fear caused the closure of an institute until Thursday. The Health Department of Puglia, (region where students will follow the lessons in dad for 14 days) in the last weekly monitoring found a higher rate of spread of the coronavirus among children and adolescents that, associated with the so-called ‘English variant is characterized by greater transmissibility leads us to think that the risk of transfer to the family has increased considerably ”. In summary: high viral circulation in the entire population and in particular in the school population. In the most recent bulletin, the Italian Epidemiology association also highlighted an increase in the incidence of Covid-19, probably due to the arrival of the variants, in the younger age groups. Those children and young people who attend kindergartens and schools, for which the Regions now consider necessary “a specific risk numbering, like other activities”.

Last updated: 18:59

