Rome, October 24, 2020 – It’s a decisive weekend to know what the new ones will be restrictive measures that the government will adopt to try to stop the second wave of Coronavirus in Italy after those adopted by the Dpcm last Sunday, October 18 and that already seems like waste paper before the wave of contagion (here the newsletter of October 23). Probably tomorrow night we will have a new Dpcm. Today a new State-Regions meeting is scheduled.
First Conte does not want to hear talk “generalized blockade” but the pressures, especially from the Regions that are not in any particular order, are many. The situation in, for example, was explosive Campania column Governor De Luca which invokes a full lock and the street protests. How the pressures come scientists by drastic measures.
But what are the lines What is the government moving on? Two trends: one penalty shootout played by Ministers Franceschini and Speranza. The other one search for interpreted precisely the Prime Minister. Let’s see what the measurements of the new Dpcm could be.
Close in motion
One of the possibilities that is being worked on is that a close in “non-essential” travel. That is, you can leave home to go to school, work, productive activities, purchase of goods. It will be possible to continue move between Regions? A decision has not yet been made but it is possible that a limit can be set for Regions that have a very high Rt index. If you get a squeeze, even a soft one, travel for work, family or to get to second homes will still be guaranteed.
Curfew is the other word that Conte doesn’t like. It has been debated for days. The technicians would like to close the cities after 9 pm (with the consequence of the closure of bars and restaurants at that time). In the Democratic Party we would like to advance it even to 20. Lombardy, Campania and Lazio have already adopted it, albeit at different times. The issue is divisive. In any case, it is certain that a national curfew will be planned: it has not yet been established whether it will be from 9 pm or perhaps 10 pm, but after the set time it will be possible to leave home only for health reasons , work and urgency. And it will be necessary thereself certification.
Gyms and swimming pools
Pools and gyms are among the non-essential activities. Last Sunday Conte gave them “7 days” to adapt to the protocols. The latest rumors today would seem to prove a final choice. Although there are many resistances.
The school
Schools will stay open. For example, the confrontation between Minister Azzolina, the mayors and the Governor of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana, was very hard. But inevitably, the new Dpcm will provide a distance learning fee for secondary schools. Elementary and high school will continue to attend.
Here too we are approaching closure. The risk of meetings in shopping centers is high. We are moving towards a closure throughout Italy on weekends (opunti food sales excluded). Retail stores must remain open.
Barbers and hairdressers
This type of store must stay open although with even stricter protocols
Theaters, cinemas and museums
It depends on the extension of the winery. A final decision has not yet been made.
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