The Prime Minister is in the Palazzo Madama classroom to receive communications on measures to combat the coronavirus emergency. The premiere will then be tomorrow at 10 at the house
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is in the Senate to get information on new initiatives taken by the government with the new Dpcm related to the coronavirus emergency (UPDATES – SPECIAL). Conte will be then tomorrow at 10 in the Chamber of Deputies.
The reasons of the government
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“We never let our guard down, we were the first to adopt rigorous measures until the confinement and among the most considerate afterwards – began the prime minister – We are aware of asking for sacrifices from the citizenry, especially in regard to community relations. We must balance rights. and fundamental freedoms once again, but the principles that move the government are always the same: maximum precaution and adequacy ”. With the involvement of the CTS, Conte continued, “we were able to define workplace safety and this is seen in the economic data for these months.”
“We are in a different situation than in March”
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“We did not know how to combat this virus in March – explained the prime minister, thanking once again the Italian doctors and civil protectors – but now we are more prepared. We plan to double the number of places in therapy. intensive, we can track more cases, we produce 20 million masks a day and we will soon reach 30 thousand ”. Conte then recalls that “we are one of the few countries in the world, perhaps the only one that distributes free masks to students and we have adopted protocols so that schools continue to work safely”:
“Regions can introduce stricter measures than the dpcm”
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“I believe that sharing the options of the Regions is essential, especially at this time, but each Region may introduce stricter measures than those of the dpcm,” said Conte, who then focused on Lombardy and Campania, which have already signed ordinances. more strict. “We must all strive to avoid opportunities for contagion, inappropriate movements, to avoid even stricter measures in the future, but I am confident that the community will be able to once again express the seriousness and commitment necessary to overcome the challenge that we live.
The new Dpcm
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The new measures to try to counter the spread of the infection were announced on the night of October 18, they are in effect from October 19 and will remain in effect until November 13. With the new Dpcm, contact sport at the amateur level is still prohibited. The pools and gyms remained open, but the sports facilities had 7 days to adapt to the security protocols. Restaurants can stay open until midnight, bars until 6pm in the absence of consumption at the table. School remains in attendance, possible afternoon shifts in high school. Local administrations have been granted the possibility of closing streets and squares at risk of assembly.