New Dpcm, Conte sul Natale: “the situation continues to be difficult, restrictive measures are necessary”


18 December 2020 22:23

Premier Conte announced the new Dpcm that will regulate Christmas in Italy: travel limitations and precise rules on dinners and visits

The Council of Ministers was held in the afternoon to give the green light to new Dpcm waiting for the holidays Christmas. The prime Giuseppe Conte is at this moment in direct of Palazzo Chigi to explain all the details and limitations that Italians will have to respect to contain the pandemic of Coronavirus and prevent contagion from increasing uncontrollably. “Government measures worked thanks to the responsibility of citizens. It is a method that has saved us from the generalized blockade. We started with the zone method with RT at 1.7 and took it back to 0.86, so much so that in the next few days all Regions could become a yellow zone. But the situation is still difficult – the Prime Minister began -, the virus continues to circulate and cannot be defeated. Even among our experts it is feared that the curve could rise during the Christmas period. The CTS has expressed fear for the sociability that exists these days. We have made a difficult decision, this in view of the activities that will take place in January. Red zone from December 21 to January 6 on holidays and the eve of holidays, orange zone on weekdays. Movement between regions will be prohibited. You leave the house only for reasons of work, necessity and health. The house can accommodate a maximum of 2 non-living people, who can take children under 14 years of age with them. Physical activity is allowed near home. Shops, beauty centers, bars and restaurants will be closed. However, supermarkets, newsagents, tobacconists, laundries, hairdressers remain open. We are together with the operators who will be involved in these measures – explained the premier -. We have suspended contributions and taxes for those with losses. Anyone who suffers financial damage must be immediately reinstated. This decree provides immediately for a 645 million soft drink for restaurants and bars “.

Dpcm Christmas, Italy “orange zone” on weekdays: what are they and what can be done

“The entire national territory will be an orange zone on December 28, 29, 30 and January 4 Conte declared. These days you can only move within your municipality without justifying the reason. To serve municipalities of up to 5000 inhabitants up to 30 km but not in the provincial capitals. Bars and restaurants are closed, except for take out and home delivery. The stores will be open until 9:00 p.m. Religious services are possible until 10:00 p.m. Check inside the houses? We are in a liberal democratic system, it is not possible to send the police to the house, unless there is a flagrant crime. We do not enter Italian houses, it is a decree conceived as a limit to circulation. It comes out with self-certification. “

Count on the vaccine: “it will not be mandatory”

We do not need the vaccine: we offer it as an option but we have already started a campaign to explain to everyone that the vaccine will be tested by the most accredited institutions in Europe and will be safe. – are the words of the prime minister – . It will be offered to everyone and we hope everyone is ready to receive this treatment. The dead are and will be an open wound, we have a very old population, the oldest in the world after Japan, but deaths depend on many factors – Conte said. But on this fact, politics gives up its role and is entrusted to scientists “.

Colegio, Conte: “the return to classes is scheduled from January 7”

“The pandemic is teaching us, among many lessons, that we must always be prepared to intervene – said the Premier -. We are currently planning a resumption of present teaching on January 7th. During the CDM there was a pause in which the Ministers Azzolina, Boccia and De Micheli informed me that the prefect tables are working very well, with synergy. This gives us greater confidence for the recovery in presence in January “.
