Premier Conte answers the questions of Italians: movements between Regions, shops, restaurants and parties, here are all the news that will be valid with the next Dpcm
How will the Christmas in the moment of Coronavirus. The Italian government is already planning the new Dpcm in which there is obviously news related to the holidays. the December 3 The latest Decree of the Prime Minister will expire and the new anti-Covid provisions will be established. Something about the latter has already been leaked: if the data allows it, it will be possible to move between the regions, while now it is certain that there will be no exceptions for parties and gatherings in the square on New Year’s Eve. Several ministers, starting with Health Roberto Speranza, and experts have been repeating for days that Christmas is a “surreal” debate at the moment; but he was the prime minister Giuseppe Conte A few days ago, without prejudice to the central and decisive role that the performance of the data will play in each decision, to indicate what the government’s line will be: “We must prepare for a more sober Christmas; no parties, celebrations, kisses and hugs will be possible “.
But one aspect is certain, there will be no total closure, also because it would be equivalent to giving the final blow to tourism and thousands of businesses that collect more than 30% of the annual turnover during the Christmas period. “We believe that it will be possible to exchange gifts – Conte said – and allow the economy ” grow. The truth, for now, is that the Italian system divided into bands should not be abandoned. The most current hypothesis is that there is one Dpcm for the period from December 3 to around Christmas and another for the actual holidays. Will be allowed shopping for holiday shopping, with stores that will be able to stay open for a longer period of time to avoid crowds. There will also be the inauguration of the malls on weekends and holidays, entry will be limited not only to shops, but also to streets and squares, especially in some large cities and on weekends. Night opening also for restaurants me pub while for him Dinner at home there will be recommendations and not prohibitions, which are inapplicable: it is plausible that there can be no more than six at the table, so at most only cohabitants or close relatives.
“This Christmas – confirms the Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa – we must strive to be as little as possible “ why “The wider the circle of people who do not usually frequent, the greater the risk”. “I guess you can say 5-6 people at most, but obviously it won’t be possible to control it”. Regarding movements, prohibited in the red areas and limited in the oranges, even between regions, the return to residence or domicile will always be allowed, but an exodus from north to south comparable to that of last March is not expected. before closing.
“There are 40 days until Christmas and at this time epidemiological data tell us that we cannot move between regions”, Zampa underlines again, but specifies: “We expect the numbers to improve and therefore exceptions are possible”. Finally, in regards to curfew, currently set at 10 p.m. throughout Italy, it could move at 11 p.m. or midnight, but for the afternoon of the 24th and the 31st there is also the hypothesis that it can arrive until 1 in the morning.
“No meetings or parties will be allowed in the square – confirms Zampa – those days will also be properly regulated because, unlike this summer, there will be no exceptions. We cannot imagine a third wave “. The objective of the government and the regional presidents for the moment is to get most of the regions back from the red and orange zones to reach December 3 with a large part of Italy in the yellow zone. “We had a ‘free everything’ summer and paid a lot for it – recalled the CTS coordinator two days ago Agostino Miozzo – and therefore we cannot afford a ‘free for all’ Christmas “.