New dpcm, Conte: “Don’t let your guard down at Christmas, avoid the third wave.” Travel, restaurants and schools: restrictions


“You confront the vacation season with the measures currently in force in yellow areas, would inevitable a wave of contagion. We cannot afford to lower our guard ”. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte, who spoke live on television to explain to Italians the regulations that will be in force from December 4 to January 15, is aware of the weight of the new restrictions designed by the government for holidays. But he warns that “the path to get out of the pandemic is still long, we must avoid the risk of third wave what could come already in januaryThe premier thus confirms all the rumors that have arisen in recent hours: the mechanism the division of the country into three risk bands and the curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. (reinforced on January 1), while from December 21 to January 6 inclusive comes the prohibition to move between the Regions, “also to achieve second box“Also, at Christmas, San Esteban and New Year’s Eve, it will not be possible to travel from your municipality except for work, health or necessity reasons. There remains the possibility of returning to home, House and residence.

Precisely on this in the last hours the protests of the center-right governors and a group of senators from the Democratic Party after that dpcm drafts none have been entered humiliation to allow family reunification. The prime minister clarified that the return home “will allow, for example, the reunification of distant couples“In addition,” in cases of need there is also the possibility of provide assistance to people who are not self-sufficient“Those who have an elderly parent who needs care can therefore move around without problems. During his speech, the Prime Minister addressed the subject of dinners and the gods. Christmas balls: “I am aware that it is a problem that all Italians feel,” he explained, trying to reassure citizens. “In a Democratic system we can not enter the houses from the people. We can limit ourselves to just one Strong recommendation: you should not receive at home people who don’t live together, especially on these occasions where the celebrations are more intense ”. The goal is always “protect parents and older grandparents “.

Among the new restrictions is also the mandatory quarantine “For those who return from abroad, also for tourists who will arrive in Italy in this period.” Confirmed closing of ski resorts until January 6 onwards cruise stop from 21 to 6, while in Hotels the news is that on December 31 from 6:00 p.m. on “room service“However, there is no news for bars and restaurants– In the yellow areas, where Conte expects all Regions to be within the holidays, they will be always open for lunch, “Even at Christmas and San Esteban.” In the red and orange areas it is guaranteed to carry out. Also for him shops the rules have not changed, the only restriction concerns i malls: from tomorrow until January 6 they will be closed throughout Italy on days holidays and days before holidays (except for supermarkets and those that sell basic necessities). “We don’t want to limit it christmas shoppingConte clarified. In fact, to encourage consumption, the government has decided to start “the plan early Cashless italy“, That is, the possibility of obtaining a 10% refund of expenses incurred until the end of the year (up to a maximum of 150 euros) for those who pay with debit and credit cards.

Another topic addressed by Conte is that of school: the executive finally decided to allow back to school of high school kids leaving as of January 7 (and not since mid-December, as most would have liked). “In each school face-to-face teaching will be guaranteed for the 75% of students“, He clarified, underlining that the conditions exist for a” safe return. ” “If he the curve goes uphowever, everything could get complicated ”, he warns. In fact, during the press conference, the Prime Minister claimed the results obtained so far: “In a month we have doubled contagion curve reporting RT below 1 – is currently 0.91. There is also a decrease in hospitalizations and intensive care “. All thanks to the three-color system, he adds, that” is allowing us to dose our interventions well differentiated on a territorial basisAnd to avoid “a general closure as in spring.” Compared to the first wave, in fact, “even in the red zones factories are open and children they go to school. “So, Conte insists, we must not let our guard down right now.
