Published on: 03/11/2020 7:57 AM
National evening curfew, 100% distance education for secondary schools, closing of shopping centers on weekends and division of the country into three areas, based on risk scenarios that take into account the evaluations of the ISS and the Superior Council of Health. These are some of the measures that should be contained in the next Dpcm to combat Covid, scheduled for tomorrow.
The country “will be divided into three areas based on risk scenarios that take into account the evaluations of the ISS and the Higher Health Council, based on 21 parameters (including the number of symptomatic cases, hospitalizations, RSA cases, percentage of positive swabs, the average time between symptoms and diagnosis, the number of new outbreaks, the occupation of beds according to actual availability) It is therefore a very complex system, ”Conte said yesterday when illustrating the next measures to the Chamber, citing the 21 parameters identified by the ISS with the Ministry of Health and shared with the Conference of the Regions. The prevention structure developed by the ISS with the Ministry of Health and shared with the Conference of the Regions, “obliges us to intervene in a much more focused way, to restrict and relax measures at the territorial level, based on criticality thresholds” . finish, the next dpcm will identify 3 areas according to the level of risk“, specified the prime minister.
These are some of the planned measures:
CIRCULATION – The government plans to adopt “national limits on the movement of people in the late afternoon,” Conte announces.
SCHOOL – Among the measures that the government will adopt in the next few hours at the national level, there is also “the possibility, for the baccalaureate, to also pass comprehensively to distance learning”, “hoping that it is a temporary measure”, announces. With you.
PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION – There is also “a 50% reduction in the capacity limit of local public transport.”
MUSEUMS AND EXHIBITIONS – Among the restrictive measures that will be taken at the national level in the next few hours is also “the closure of museums and exhibitions,” Conte said.
SHOPPING CENTERS – “For the entire national territory – added the premier – we intend to intervene only with some specific measures that help to strengthen the containment and mitigation of contagion. We close shopping centers on holidays and pre-holidays, with the exception of parapharmacy food stores. and pharmacies and kiosks within shopping centers. “
BETTING CORNERS – “In line with the closure of bingo halls and betting halls” presented with the Dpcm on October 24, “we are also closing the betting and gaming corners wherever they may be”.
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