New Dpcm: closure from January 24 to 27 and from January 31 to 3. Only lunches between “two close relatives”


The nth new Dpcm is ready with the restrictions for the Christmas holidays. In draft there are some small changes compared to the hard line proposed in recent days. Measurements can be even more shrunken by the governors of the regions. Governor Zaia’s example in this regard is quite exhaustive: from tonight, in fact, the entire Veneto will close until January 6.

The governor of Trentino Fugatti awaits the decisions of the government on the areas to which it belongs and today will announce the restrictive measures that are taken for our region.

The new measures include a blockade that will last fromDecember 24-27 what ifl December 31 to January 3, holidays and days before holidays. To prevent coronavirus infection, restaurants and bars will be closed. Stores closed and Non-essential movements are prohibited, even within the municipality of residence.



The obligation of self-certification is maintained in case of movements for work or for any health emergency. The law enforcement authorities will strengthen roadblocks.

Parties and forbidden dinners, but also lunches outside the nucleus of coexistence. The only exceptions will be to comply with a maximum of “two close relatives “, like elderly parents, always with the recommendation of wear a mask even indoors.

It will be possible to celebrate masses, respecting certain deadlines already in force for the curfew. On the other hand, the business dates of December 28, 29 and 30 are excluded from the repression.




