New Dpcm Christmas: hard watercolor with Conte. “Generates despair” – Chronicle


Ancona, December 18, 2020 – The ballet in new Dpcm Christmas with the assumptions at stake regarding the restrictions, unleashed the wrath of Francesco AcquarolI, president of the Marche Region. “I can no longer make predictions – he tells The Breakfast Club on Radio Capital -, I will be a collaborator but I do not agree with a constant change of strategy. Generate confusion me despair. If we give a contradictory message every ten days compared to the previous one, it becomes difficult to be credible and to be followed ”.

“It becomes more difficult – continues – too fight the epidemic. If we want to send a message, the message must be based on a broad strategy shared by all. Now that we are almost all in the yellow zone, they ask us to go back to Red zone to avoid the third wave. Regions that can breathe a little today due to the number of declining infections are likely to revert to lockdown. We are all responsible for this confusion. “

“The Business they are failing. I agree with closings but – he reiterates – only when necessary: ​​there are times of the day when it makes sense to block activities to avoid gatherings and dinners, but closing everything is a choice that implies a very important responsibility. If someone wants to assume this responsibility – he warns – they must do so seriously, guarantee total and immediate relief ”.

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