
In the celebrations of mess continue to omit the exchange of the peace sign, while for the distribution of communion it will take place after the celebrant and the possible extraordinary minister have taken care of hand hygiene and put on disposable gloves; the same – using the mask, taking the utmost care in covering the nose and mouth and maintaining an adequate safety distance – taking care to offer the host without coming into contact with the hands of the faithful. Instead in the restaurants, bars, pubs that have seats, privileged access by reservation, will keep the list of those who have reserved, for a period of 14 days. In these activities there cannot be more clients within the premises than seats. These are the new lines of 25 economic activities assigned to Dpcm Signed by Giuseppe Conte on the night of Monday, October 12, which establishes the measures to contain the COVID-19 be understood as additions to the recommendations of social and hygienic-behavioral distancing.
In the church, avoiding any meeting, in compliance with the regulations on distancing between people, the parish priest identifies the maximum capacity of the church, taking into account the minimum safety distance, which must be at least one meter on the side and front. Access to the church, with masks, in this transition phase, continues to be contingent and regulated by volunteers and / or collaborators who, using appropriate personal protective equipment, disposable gloves and an obvious sign of recognition, favor access and leave and monitor the maximum number of entries allowed. When the expected participation of the faithful significantly exceeds the maximum number of presences allowed, consider increasing the number of liturgical celebrations. To facilitate orderly access, during which the safety distance of at least 1.5 meters must be respected, use, where appropriate, several entrances, possibly distinguishing those reserved for the entrance from those reserved for the exit.
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Returning to the restaurants, consumption at the counter is only allowed if an interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter between customers can be ensured, with the exception of people who, according to current regulations, are not subject to interpersonal distancing. And in any case, after 9 pm it is not possible to park in the vicinity of these aid stations.
In ceremonies like wedding me baptisms however, when the maximum number of guests is 30, according to general measures, the list of participants must be kept for a period of 14 days. Reorganize the spaces, to guarantee access to the event venue in an orderly manner, in order to avoid meetings of people and ensure the maintenance of at least 1 meter of separation between users. If possible, organize separate routes for entry and exit. Tables must be arranged in such a way as to ensure the maintenance of at least 1 meter of separation between guests, with the exception of people who, in accordance with current provisions, are not subject to interpersonal distancing.
In hotels, body temperature should be measured, preventing access in case of temperature> 37.5 ° C. Promote and facilitate compliance with the interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter and encourage the differentiation of routes within the structures, with special attention to the entrance and exit areas. In this sense, it is suggested to place informative posters and / or delimit spaces (for example, with stickers to stick to the ground, balls, route marking tapes, etc.). Interpersonal distancing does not apply to members of the same family group or cohabitants, nor to people who occupy the same room or the same room for overnight stays, nor to people who, according to current regulations, are not subject to interpersonal distancing.
In personal services (hairdressers, beauticians) allow access to clients only by reservation, keep the attendance list for a period of 14 days. Body temperature can be detected, preventing access in case of temperature> 37.5 ° C. Clients are allowed to stay within the premises limited to the time necessary for the provision of the service or treatment. Allow the simultaneous presence of a limited number of clients depending on the capacity of the room (see next point). Reorganize the spaces, as far as possible due to logistical and structural conditions, to ensure the maintenance of at least 1 meter of separation both between individual workstations and between clients. The work area, when possible, can be delimited with suitable physical barriers to avoid contagion through droplets.
In supermarkets and shopping centers, body temperature can be detected, preventing access in case of temperature> 37.5 ° C with access rules, depending on the characteristics of the individual stores, in order to avoid meetings and ensure maintenance of at least 1 meter of separation between clients. Ensure wide availability and accessibility to hand hygiene systems with sanitizing products, promoting their frequent use by customers and operators. In the case of purchases with the choice and autonomous handling of the product by the customer, hand disinfection must be mandatory before handling the merchandise. Alternatively, disposable gloves should be available to customers for mandatory use. In gyms, entrances with masks after having understood the names to be kept for 14 days and having measured the temperature, the spaces in the changing rooms and showers should be reorganized to ensure distances of at least 1 meter (for example, provide stations alternate use or separated by special barriers), also regulating access to them. Regulate flows, waiting spaces, access to different areas, positioning of tools and machines, also delimiting the areas, in order to guarantee the safety distance: at least 1 meter for people while they are not doing physical activity, at least 2 meters during physical activity (with special attention to vigorous activity).
New Dpcm, full text of October 13, 2020: all measures, from dinners to sports and clubs
Here you have the full text of the new Dpcm, the one signed at dawn on October 13, 2020 and which contains the first anti-tightening of the second wave of: from the stop to amateur contact sports to the recommendation not to have dinners at home with more than 6 people. not coexist.
Last updated: 15:29