New dpcm and covid, what can and cannot be done: curfew, travel, dinner. Point


Florence, December 2, 2020: curfew at 22:00 for all confirmed holidays. Recommendation of don’t host overly crowded family gatherings. And one topic, that of restaurants open or closed at Christmas, on which the debate still seems open.

Tuscany, December 2 covid / Orange Tuscany newsletter from Saturday, here is the dossier

This is the point of the situation in the Christmas dpcm, the decree that contains all the anti-covid rules for the Christmas holidays and that should see the light in the next few hours. The validity of the dpcm must be between December 21 and January 6. There Tuscany, Umbria and Liguria they are looking.

They are regions that have always been the destination of the Christmas holidays with their art, their food and their wine. Economic damage Coronaviruses are very serious, but so are health ones, with hundreds of deaths a day and we will have to forget about celebrating as we did in previous years.

The government says so, says Health Minister Speranza, who reported to the Senate on what this dpcm will contain.

“Objective to avoid the third wave”

The penalty wing headed by Minister Speranza notes how the virus has loosened its grip, but is still circulating in Italy. The covid is well present and a relaxation of the measures could quickly lead to a new deterioration and especially to a third wave of infections between January and February. Third wave that is the nightmare of the government and of the social fabric in general, which really could not resist new closures. In short, the fear, clearly expressed, is that during the Christmas holidays the “everything for free” and “the same lightness seen in summer” may be repeated: and this must be avoided absolutely.


Confirmed division of regions into yellow, orange and red

Therefore, Hope anticipated that the government intends “to reconfirm the classification model of the regions by scenario and risk index, that is, that of the yellow, orange and red regions. The system has given results that we consider satisfactory – he said – We are discussing the parameters, but the installation in the background is correct and Regions works today tend towards yellow, but if the situation worsens we have a table ready for more restrictive measures ”.

The curfew is kept from 10 pm to 5 am

One point now seems clear: the curfew will be maintained. From 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., no one can leave the house except to go to work or for urgent health reasons or necessity. You will need a self-certification to be able to shoot.

Movement between regions prohibited

From December 21 to January 6, travel between regions will be prohibited. This is to avoid large flows between the north and south of Italy, which are the flows of those who move from the north to the south to meet their families and spend the holidays or, on the contrary, those who move north from the south for the same reason. However, according to what has been learned, the return to home or residence will be allowed.

Movements between prohibited municipalities, that’s when

On December 25, 26 and January 1, travel between municipalities will also be prohibited, says Minister Speranza. However, only on those days should travel between different municipalities within a region be allowed.

Dinners and lunches with some close friends – it’s a recommendation

The government will not enter Italian homes and will not give strict rules regarding dinner on December 24 or Christmas lunch. However, he will recommend that you be among a few close relatives. For this reason, he asks to avoid dinners for twenty people that characterize many Italian families and many groups of friends. However, the truth is that dinners must end at 10 at night if any of the diners have to arrive at their home, since the curfew will be activated.

Incognito restaurants

It is a point where there is still no place: will the restaurants be open during the holidays? The hard line tends to close all clubs at 6pm even on New Years Eve to avoid any potential reunions, parties, or dancing. But many regions are pushing for softer openings.

Economic damages of 4 billion

The stop to travel – Coldiretti stresses – is destined to have a severe economic and labor impact with the estimated loss of 4.1 billion only due to the lost expenses of Italian tourists for Christmas and New Years that passed last year on average. six days away from home. To be blocked, in addition to the 80% of Italians who have chosen the Peninsula as their main destination, there is also 20% who, Coldirett continues, had decided to cross the border and who are now bankrupt due to the precautionary measures adopted for their return. in Italy from abroad with the obligation of quarantine and mandatory swab.
