Posted on: 05/02/2020 09:49
Five-month suspended layoffs, news of emergency earnings and child care bonuses. These are some of the novelties in the draft of the April decree to deal with the emergence of the coronavirus which introduces ‘new urgent measures of economic support for families, workers and companies related to the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19’. Therefore, the suspension period for layoffs is extended from two months to five months compared to the previous formulation. And again: the emergency income from 400 to 800 euros, expanded the requirements for Citizenship Income, a nanny bonus raised to 1,200 euros (2,000 for doctors and nurses), recognized an allocation of up to 600 euros also for domestic workers , derogation of cig for 18 weeks until October 31 and work in the field up to 2 months for beneficiaries of DRC, cig or subsidies.
More specifically, the600 euros subsidy For self-employed workers, beneficiaries who received it in March will also be paid in April. Furthermore, in matches VAT those who suffered a 33% reduction in income in March and April, were registered in the separate administration and are not pensioners and were not registered in other compulsory forms of social security, compensation is recognized for the month of May equal to 1000 euros . According to the draft, in addition, the same amount of 1,000 euros will go to workers with coordinated and continuous collaborative relationships who have terminated their employment relationship on the date the decree came into force. Compensation of 1,000 euros also for workers enrolled in the special management of the needle, while those in the administration, employed by user companies operating in the tourism sector and spas, will also receive 600 euros in April.
Furthermore, the Emergency income as a measure of income support for households. “The Rem is determined in an amount equal to 400 euros per month up to a maximum, however, not to exceed 800 euros per month“reads the draft. REM is paid for three months from the month the application was filed, which must be filed in late July 2020.” REM is recognized for households in possession cumulatively, – is read in the draft, at the time of application and in the months in which the benefit is paid, unless otherwise specified, of the following requirements: a) residence in Italy, verified with reference to the component requesting the benefit; b) a value of the family income, in the month prior to the request for the benefit and in each month prior to the subsequent disbursements, less than a threshold equal to the amount of the benefit “provided for the Rem (from 400 to 800 euros). In addition “a value of family movable property with reference to the year 2019 below a threshold of 10,000 euros, increased by 5,000 euros for each component after the first and up to a maximum of 20,000 euros; d) a value of the Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE) of less than € 15,000 “. The Rem, is explained, can be accumulated with the Citizenship Income In addition to the sum enjoyed by an amount such that the combination of the two benefits is equal to the sum of the maximum limits provided for the Rem. In addition, it is specified that “people who are detained, during the duration of the sentence, as well as those who are hospitalized in long-term care institutions or other residential structures under the full responsibility of the State or other public administration.”
the extra babysitter it rises from 600 to 1,200 euros and can be used both for enrollment in complementary services for children and for “territorial socio-educational services, centers with educational and recreational functions and complementary or innovative services for early childhood.” For doctors, nurses and social and health workers in the accredited public and private service, the bonus has increased from 1,000 euros to 2,000. In addition, from March 5 to September 30, 2020, and for a continuous or fractional period in any case not exceeding thirty days, private sector employees are entitled to receive specific permission for children who are not older than age. the 12 years for which a subsidy equivalent to 50 percent of salary is recognized. In addition, limited to 2020, parents of children under the age of 16 may deduct the expenses of the summer centers for an amount not exceeding 300 euros, incurred by taxpayers with total income not exceeding 36,000 euros.
The requirements to access Citizenship income Therefore, they expand in relation to the economic and social crisis situation. Therefore, in relation to the applications submitted from July 1, 2020 to October 30, 2020, the access requirements are modified as follows: the threshold of the indicator of the equivalent economic situation indicator (Isee) has increased from 9,360 euros to 10,000 euros; 2) the threshold of the value of the real estate assets mentioned in number 2) has increased from € 30,000 to € 50,000; 3) the threshold of the value of movable property referred to in number 3) has increased from € 6,000 to € 8,000 in addition to the increases provided for therein. “
According to the draft, the layoffs in abrogation For the emergency, Covid-19 runs from 9 to 18 weeks “for periods from February 23, 2020 to October 31, 2020.” They last for another two months. Naspi and Dis-Coll grant that expire between February 1, 2020 and April 30, 2020. In addition, the additional tax is suspended for fixed-term contracts renewed before August 31, as established by the dignity decree.
ai domestic workers Those who have, on February 23, 2020, one or more employment contracts for a total duration of no more than 20 hours per week, a monthly allowance of € 400 is recognized for the months of April and May 2020, for each month Domestic workers who have one or more employment contracts for a total duration of more than 20 hours per week on the same date receive, for the months of April and May 2020, a monthly allowance of 600 euros, for each month.
And again: me beneficiaries of social safety nets, limited to the period of suspension to zero hours of work, by Naspi and Dis-coll as well as citizenship income, you can enter with employers from the agricultural sector term contracts not exceeding 30 days, renewable for an additional 30 days, without suffering the loss or reduction of the expected benefits, within the limit of 2000 euros for the year 2020.
The Ministry of Labor, exceptionally, to face the epidemiological emergency and to guarantee the timely surveillance of health and safety in the workplace in the process of restarting production activities, “makes direct use of, in addition to that of the National Labor Inspection, also of Carabineros command for the protection of work and dependent joints. “This is what we read in the draft.
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