NEW DECREE, OK for MOVEMENTS between REGIONS, here is the Official DATE »



MOVEMENTS from one REGION to another, will soon be possibleMOVEMENTS from one REGION to another, will soon be possible If the contagion data (the epidemiological curve must be clear) they will be
positive, from June 3, 2020 it will be possible to change from one region to another.
In fact, PHASE 3 or 2 BIS will begin.

the provides for the draft of the decree that will be presented to the Council of Ministers at 12 o’clock. According to the text that must be approved «A as of June 3, 2020, movements in the national territory can only be limited with measures in relation to specific areas of the national territory, in accordance with the principles of adequacy and proportionality to the epidemiological risk actually present in these areas. “It means that without limitations or red areas established by the governors according to the government or for specific problems related to the contagion rate, you can go all over Italy.

The final decision, as established by a long meeting between
governors and central government, will depend on the regional administrations that
they will continue to have the right to impose access obligations, first of all
serological tests performed
in the previous week

green light
(as soon as the new DPCM decree is signed and its publication in the Diario) will be allowed to go to
second residences and then go to a place other than the residence
not having a job, health and urgency as it is
expected now. But to obtain it, each region must respect i
parameters precisely indicated in the PHASE 2 decree, signed by the Minister of Health hope on May 3 and it was launched immediately
for data collection In
provision i alert values ​​that should lead to
a risk assessment
jointly national and regions
in question, to decide if the conditions are such that they require a review of the measures taken.

then a “we tear down the walls “after” raising the barricades ”
due to COVID-19. In conclusion, we can say that the
everything will revolve around infection
. E.g, regions with too high a contagion rate should remain closed: from there you will not be able to leave e
cannot enter if not, since the Dpcm of 26 has already established
last April, for “proven work or absolute needs
urgency or health reasons. ”
Which, in fact, I will not
find relatives or refresh the house by the sea.

Chapter two homes

As of Monday, May 18, according to the decree, “traveling within the regional territory is not subject to any limitation” is free. Therefore, you can transfer to second homes as long as they are within the region of residence.
