New Decree of the Prime Minister, from December 21 to the 6th stop to travel between regions. Drought



Council of ministers called to define the new anti-Covid measures. The cornerstones of the new Dpcm were defined yesterday, during the meeting between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the heads of delegation of the majority forces that ended late at night.

The measures for the holidays “would not be in question”, assures a government source despite the tensions that have animated the majority throughout the day.

So stop moving between Regions, even in the yellow zone, as of December 21, ban on reaching second homes, closing of ski facilities, cruise stop and curfew confirmed at 10 p.m. even on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.

Among the few concessions, restaurants and bars should also be open on holidays, but with no exceptions for closing at 6 pm, hotels in the mountains open but with room service always starting.
after six in the afternoon: therefore, dances and celebrations are prohibited.

However, some aspects remain to be defined, including the reopening of secondary schools throughout Italy. The prime minister insists on reopening the high school on December 14, but does not find everyone agree: the lessons will probably return after the Epiphany, that is, on Monday, January 11.

DPCM duration from 30 to 50 days

The decree law that is being examined by the council of ministers extends the duration of the decree of the Prime Minister from 30 to 50 days. So says paragraph 1 of article 1 of the draft.

“In article 1, paragraph 1, of the decree-law of March 25, 2020, n.19, converted, with modifications, by law May 22, 2020, n.35, the words” no more than thirty days ” are replaced by the following: “no more than fifty days”.

The draft of the decree of anti-Covid measures for the holidays provides for in paragraph 3 “That in the same period from December 21, 2020 to January 6, 2021, with the decrees of the President of the Council of Ministers mentioned above, specific measures may be adopted, among those provided for by Law Decree No. 19 of 2020, also regardless of the classification in risk levels and scenario “.

Stop mobility between regions

Stop mobility between Regions for the Christmas holidays. As of December 21 and until January 6, Epiphany day, you will not be able to leave the Region where you are.

“With regard to the Christmas holidays, taking into account the current trend of the pandemic curve and in order to prevent a new resurgence of infections – we read in the report that accompanies the dl – in paragraph 2, within the national territory, the prohibition, from December 21, 2020 to January 6, 2021, of any movement in and out between the territories of different regions or autonomous provinces, and, on 25 days and of December 26, 2020 as well as January 1, 2021, also the prohibition of any movement between municipalities, except movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons. However, it is allowed to return to one’s residence, domicile or home “.

No to moving to second homes

It will not be possible to reach second homes for the Christmas holidays if you are in other Regions. Not only. In the days
Super holidays, that is, December 25, 26 and January 1, you cannot reach those located in another municipality, not even in the same region.

Movement between Regions, established by decree law, is prohibited from December 21 to January 6, but In any case, the return to one’s own residence, domicile or domicile is allowed, with the exclusion of trips to second residences located in another region or autonomous province and, on December 25 and 26, 2020 and January 1, 2021, also located in another municipality “.

