New coronavirus decree: extension of the obligation to return swabs from countries at risk, stadiums still closed


Distance and bezels

The rule for personal protective equipment does not change: to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus, it is mandatory throughout the country to wear respiratory protection in indoor places accessible to the public, including means of transport and in any case, on all occasions when it is not possible to continuously guarantee the maintenance of the safety distance. Children under the age of six are not subject to the obligation, nonch i subjects with forms of disability not compatible with continued use of the mask or subjects interacting with the above. Analog speech for the obligation to maintain a safe distance interpersonal by at least one meter.

Capacity on buses

After weeks of discussions about how many people can ride public transportation and school buses, it was decided to set the capacity limit at 80 percent. A number that refers to seating, but also who travels on foot. It remains the obligation to arrange bulkheads where spacing cannot be guaranteed. For him school bus instead, it was established that they will be able to travel with the maximum capacity allowed in the event that “the the permanence of the pupils in the middle “is not” more than 15 minutes “. Tuttme students over 6 years old must wear a mask when getting into the vehicle. expected one humiliation in the event that vertical alignment of students in individual seats is possible and so-called face-to-face positioning is excluded.

Reunification of international couples

Until now it was forbidden entry and transit in the national territory to persons residing abroad unless they have: work needs; absolute urgency; health needs; needs study; get back to yours home, home or residence. Therefore, the rule prevented many couples who live in different states to be together. In the new Dpcm, therefore, it was established that entering the national territory to reach the domicile, housing and the residence of a person, even if they do not cohabit, with whom there is a stable emotional relationship.

The obligation to rub

The new government provision confirms the validity of the ordinance signed on August 12 by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza to check who is returning from vacation or in any case from a period spent abroad. And therefore the people who intend to enter the national territory and who in the previous fourteen days have stayed or passed through Croatia, Greece, Malta or Spain They are obliged to present to the carrier when boarding the certificate of having been submitted, within 72 hours prior to their entry into the national territory, to a molecular or antigenic test, performed by swab and negative result; obligation to submit to a molecular or antigenic test, which will be carried out by buffer, upon arrival at the airport, port or border place, when possible, or within 48 hours after entering the national territory at the local health authority of reference; While waiting to be tested at the local referral health company, people are subjected tofiduciary isolation in one’s home or residence.

Clubs and stadiums still closed

Still tough for nightlife venues. The ordinance signed by Speranza on August 16 that closed the nightclubs and ordered the obligation from 18 to 6 to wear respiratory protection also outdoors, in spaces belonging to places and premises open to the public as well as in public spaces (squares, open spaces, streets) where, due to the physical characteristics, it is easier to form gatherings, even of a spontaneous or occasional nature. Football matches will be played behind closed doors. Minister Speranza spoke about it with his colleagues from France, Germany and Spain and the idea that is being developed is that of aaimed at stabilizing the contagion curve and surpassing the mark of the reopening of schools, considered by all as a priority, before the stadiums are reopened to the public.

September 5, 2020 (change September 5, 2020 | 23:41)

