new COLD SINK after Christmas, RAIN and SNOW possible down to the plain «3B Meteo


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Weather trend 27/29 December, possible bad winter weather
Weather trend 27/29 December, possible bad winter weather

TEMPORARY ANTI-CYCLONE COMBAT AFTER SANTO STEFANO. The low pressure vortex that between Christmas and San Esteban will be positioned in the central Mediterranean and Italy is destined to advance towards the Ionian and Balkan peninsula between the end of the week and the beginning of the next, replaced by a sprawling anticyclonic promontory in southwestern Europe. Therefore, the weather in Italy will be characterized by a more stable and improving phase also in the southern regions, although of short duration. The anticyclonic comeback will not have long life and will be dismantled by the end of the week Bursting inlet from the turbulent Atlantic flow, orchestrated by a large and dynamic area of ​​low pressure that forms between the North Sea and southwestern Europe which could influence the weather trend even between the last days of the year and the first of the new.

STRONG DISTURBANCE BETWEEN SUNDAY AND MONDAY. A new and intense disturbance capable of causing will depart from its center a significant worsening of the weather on Sunday December 27 from the Northwest, in extension after the rest of the northern regions, Sardinia and the center-south of Tyrrhenian between Monday 28 and Tuesday 29, Heavy rains and locally also phenomena of electrical storms.

POSSIBLE SNOW UP TO THE PLAINS. the recent influx of cold Scandinavian air, responsible for the formation of the vortex that moves away towards the Balkans, will keep temperatures low enough to favor snowfall at low altitudes in the north, probably also in the Po valley.

INTENSE SNOW IN THE ALPS, SNOW ALSO IN APENNIN UNTIL TUESDAY. The phase of intense bad weather that is expected between Sunday 27 and Tuesday 29 December would therefore be accompanied by heavy snowfall over the Alps (up to very low altitudes) and later in the Apennine mountain range (at slightly higher altitudes). Even the reliefs of Sardinia could be affected by bad winter weather conditions, with snow falling in altitude. In any case, given the time distance, the trend could change in the coming days and therefore we recommend that you follow the next updates.

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