New Christmas Dpcm, limits to travel between regions, holidays in the snow and veglioni-


The government chaired by Giuseppe Conte is studying strict rules, including in the yellow and orange areas, ahead of next December and the Christmas, New Year and Epiphany holidays. To avoid a new wave ofCovid-19 epidemic in Italy, and a resumption of the speed of circulation of the coronavirus in January, in Dpcm of December 4 (which could remain in effect until Epiphany) there will be more restrictions. Among the measures under study – which you can find below, and which have not yet been formalized – are the curfew measures (which will not be lifted, but that on December 24 could be postponed until after midnight, so that you can celebrate as a family with a few loved ones). and going to church for Christmas mass) and an axis with France and Germany to limit the holidays in the snow.

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The rules for traveling between regions

Nowadays cannot go to orange or red zone regions Except for work, health and emergency reasons, which in any case must be justified with the self-certification form. In view of the holidays exceptions are being considered Allow family members who live in different places to be together. A position that many are opposed within the government, fearing that what happened last summer will be repeated with free mobility and the increase in infections. For this reason it is not precisely excluded that it is decided, on the occasion of the holidays, to limit movements that are not justified for reasons of family reunification, in order to avoid travel.

Ski bans

Government excludes the possibility that during the Christmas holidays it is possible to go to the mountains or have freedom of movement to the tourist centers. Palazzo Chigi has announced that it is working on a European initiative, to avoid the usual “holidays in the snow”, which attracted fans of skiing and mountain stays, would be combined with carefree holidays, with nights at the disco, last summer. therefore, it is impossible that it can be accepted, even in regions that will be in the yellow zone, the request of the governors who had urged the reopening of the ski lifts although with 50 percent of the capacity, the mandatory mask and the staggered entrances.

The extension of the opening hours of the stores

L ‘store opening hours could be extended until 10pm to allow diluting the participation of people especially in the days before the holidays. The discussion within government is about possible exceptions to all business activities found in the red zone and therefore they run the risk of remaining closed even in a period of the year that could favor the recovery of the economy. the reopening of shopping centers on weekends and holidays. Some ministers believe that the risk of creating queues and meetings that favor infection is too high and cite as an example following local ordinances that ordered the closure of department stores on the same days.

The possible extension of the curfew

We study the possibility of extending the curfew until 11:00 p.m. – in the pre-Christmas period – in order to favor departures if the commercial activities will really be open until 9 or 10 p.m. In this case, the prohibition of collection remains in force, only the lower concurrence in the shops would be favored, allowing the possibility of making purchases with a view to the Christmas holidays. The curfew can be extended until midnight on Christmas Day only to allow participation in religious celebrations. The question remains the time of the prohibition to leave home. on the night of December 31, excluding however that there may be parties and banquets to celebrate the arrival of the new year.

The rules for restaurants and bars: maximum 4 per table

Unless you have doubts on the eve, bars and restaurants will be closed after 6 pm. The government has decided to confirm the restrictions even in the yellow zones limit the opportunities for “extended sociability”, which often accompany the Christmas holidays, with bingo, celebrations, dances. The application of open for lunch in orange areas but a hypothesis that shooters discard considering that it is a bet at this moment because there is a risk of driving the curve up. Anyway the rules are kept for a maximum of 4 people at the table and mandatory mask when getting up. On the other hand, it will always be possible to sell food and drink to go and delivery service.

Assumptions about schools

Until January 7, the reopening of high schools in presence was excluded, but the issue divides the government and scientists. We are considering returning students to class immediately after the holiday season, but it is not at all obvious because many fear an increase in the epidemiological curve in January. Among the topics examined is also the ability to interrupt dad, distance learning, for first and second graders living in the red zones. In many regions, more restrictive ordinances are still in force that provide for the father to attend primary and secondary school and the closure of kindergartens and nurseries. Measures that a part of the government would like to challenge before the administrative court.
