Turin, November 18, 2020 – In full pandemic since Coronavirus, The possible reopening at Christmas, on which you are working (with a lot of pressure) the first storyand the next ‘color change’ of the Regions, continue arguing. On the green light, from Piedmont comes the governor’s aut aut aut Alberto Cirio: “At Christmas do not do it like this summer, or in January and February the third wave will arrive,” he warns.
In short, “We want to have a normal Christmas, but if we imagine doing it like someone lived the summer, in January or February we will return to this situation and we cannot afford it “, he insists, reiterating the request of the Conference of Regions to simplify the parameters (” from 21 to 5 “) to move from one band to another of the areas at risk.
Color step
Meanwhile, the governor of Lombardy Attilio fontana calls for a relaxation of the measures in his region at the end of the next two weeks: “Our numbers today – he assures – are in the orange zone. We have reached the peak, the decline will begin soon.” After all, Cirio also comments: “Since last Friday, Piedmont is potentially in the orange zone. On November 30, if we have preserved this data, we will be able to leave the red zone and therefore have a different light perspective ”.
Toti: objective of open stores
Even the president of Liguria Giovanni Toti imagines his region to change to the orange zone: “We will do everything possible to be able to make a Christmas as normal as possible, obviously in safety – he writes on Facebook – With our illuminated cities, our traditions and our families With shops and clubs open, with a desire to live that we cannot give up. ”And he continues:“ We will do it with caution and if conditions allow it. But we must do our best now that the covid broadcast numbers allow us to cultivate a little hope. Designing apocalyptic scenarios and also taking away hope does not help anyone. “
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